Episode Synopsis "The FINAL EPISODE: Your purpose and your why!"
This is the final episode of Put Your Own Mask on First. It’s been a wonderful ride full of some great discussions and topics, but it’s time for Vicky and Nikki to continue to evolve, continue to follow them as they release their own podcasts in the future. But for today, join the ladies to discuss everything around your purpose and your why in life! It’s another great episode!
Listen "The FINAL EPISODE: Your purpose and your why!"
More episodes of the podcast Put Your Own Mask On First
- The FINAL EPISODE: Your purpose and your why!
- 15. Have you cracked the code to a sustainable work/life balance?
- 14. Self Care
- 13. The Pressure of Perfection
- Managing Emotions
- 11. New Year, New You?
- Happiness: I’ll be happy when…
- Resilience
- Comfort Zone
- Duty of Care
- Boundaries
- Habits
- Money Mindset
- Imposter Syndrome
- Limiting Beliefs