Episode Synopsis "EP 04 : How you can access your subconscious mind"
In the 4th episode of the Raise Your Vibes with Sathya Jayapaul podcast you will learn about neurons, neurotransmitters, the 4 different brainwave states, and in which state the subconscious mind can be accessed. You will also learn 3 ways to access the subconscious mind and 1 simple, yet powerful technique to use one of the 3 ways to get your subconscious mind to help you find a solution to any problem you may be facing. This episode is full of information, so happy listening! about this at https://www.facebook.com/raiseyourvibeswithsj
Listen "EP 04 : How you can access your subconscious mind"
More episodes of the podcast Raise Your Vibes!
- EP 20 : The easiest way to lose weight in a healthy way - a miracle called Intermittent Fasting!
- EP 19 : An introduction to Akashic Records – the database of the universe
- EP 18 : 5 tips to attract more abundance in your life
- EP 17 : Bring positive vibes in your life in 2021 with this meditation
- EP 16 : 2020 look back - 5 things this year taught me
- EP 15 : Three reasons why we suffer and how to stop suffering
- EP 14 : Koshas - The 5 layers of our bodies
- EP 13 : Heal yourself using an ancient Hawaiian technique
- EP 12 : Manifest whatever you want using the Law of Attraction
- EP 11 : Spotlight session – The 10 commandments…. of Osho
- EP 10 : How to drink water - the proper way!
- EP 09 : How to manage stress
- EP 08 : The energy inside us – An introduction to Prana and Chakras
- EP 07 : Affirmations Meditation to raise your vibrations
- EP 06 : The power of gratitude and how to practise it
- EP 05 : The power of mindfulness
- EP 04 : How you can access your subconscious mind
- EP 03 : A peep into the subconscious mind
- EP 02 : What a good night's sleep can do for you
- EP 1 : Why do you need to raise your vibes?
- EP 0 - Intro : Welcome to Raise Your Vibes!