EP 16 : 2020 look back - 5 things this year taught me

EP 16 : 2020 look back - 5 things this year taught me

Raise Your Vibes!

31/12/2020 7:38PM

Episode Synopsis "EP 16 : 2020 look back - 5 things this year taught me"

2020 has been such a tough, tumultuous and crazy year! Aren't we all glad that the year is over? In the 16th episode of the Raise Your Vibes with Sathya Jayapaul podcast, I will discuss 5 things this year taught me. After listening to the podcast, why don’t you list down 5 things this year taught you and how you plan to use that in your personal growth, and share that on my Facebook page or Instagram page (@sathya.jayapaul)? I’d love to know what you learnt from 2020! If you like the episode, I'd be grateful if you could please provide your feedback as a voice message here - https://anchor.fm/sathya-jayapaul/message or as a comment here - https://www.facebook.com/raiseyourvibeswithsj   :-)

Listen "EP 16 : 2020 look back - 5 things this year taught me"

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