EP 03 : A peep into the subconscious mind

EP 03 : A peep into the subconscious mind

Raise Your Vibes!

20/09/2020 9:13AM

Episode Synopsis "EP 03 : A peep into the subconscious mind"

In the 3rd episode of the Raise Your Vibes with Sathya Jayapaul podcast you will learn about the parts of the human mind as theorized by Sigmund Freud, why the subconscious mind is so powerful and how it influences your vibrations. You will also learn one super easy tip to kick start your day with a higher level of vibration. Happy listening! about this at https://raiseyourvibeswithsj.blogspot.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/raiseyourvibeswithsj 

Listen "EP 03 : A peep into the subconscious mind"

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