Sustainable Dieting: New Year's Diets, Tracking Macros, & More

Sustainable Dieting: New Year's Diets, Tracking Macros, & More

Strong by Sydney Show

05/12/2019 10:25PM

Episode Synopsis "Sustainable Dieting: New Year's Diets, Tracking Macros, & More"

In this episode, I discuss what sustainable dieting really looks like. Hint, it's habits...not "dieting". This might be an unconventional message in a fitness world crowded with different diets but I think this outlook will really open up your mind to what sustainable dieting really is. I also go into some tips on how to see if your diet is sustainable as well as my thoughts on the sustainability of tracking macros.  Be sure to leave a rating and review to support my podcast if you enjoy my content.  Share and tag me on IG @sydneytfitness so I can repost you! 

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