Episode Synopsis "Simanim & Labeling: Siman Muvhak, Tvius Ayin and Locks"
Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka is the Senior Rabbinic Coordinator responsible for the Tri-State region at OK Kosher Certification. Rabbi Hanoka trains and mentors many mashgichim and is a sought-after public speaker, both for corporate and general audiences. He lectures on the partnership between kosher certification and quality control, as well as about various topics in Jewish law. Rabbi Hanoka is also well-versed in the complex requirements and nuances involved in setting up kashrus systems in large and small manufacturing facilities.
Listen "Simanim & Labeling: Siman Muvhak, Tvius Ayin and Locks"
More episodes of the podcast AKO Kashrus Shiurim
- Simanim & Labeling: Siman Muvhak, Tvius Ayin and Locks
- Simanim & Labeling: Different Types of Seals and What Qualifies
- Simanim & Labeling: Checking the Seal Upon Receipt
- Simanim & Labeling: Situations When 1 Seal is Sufficient
- Simanim & Labeling: Sources for When 2 Seals Are Required and When 1 Seal is Sufficient
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Eating Meat with Caviar
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Eating Strawberries
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Schnitzel Made from Non-Pas Yisroel Breadcrumbs
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Snack Pretzels That Are Not Pas Yisroel
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Bracha on Pizza
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Bracha on Mezonos Bread
- Sake - Avoda Zara
- Sake - Bishul Akum 2
- Sake - Bishul Akum 1
- Sake - Overview and Ingredients Review
- Does Pas Shenilusha B'Chalav Assur Keilim?
- D.E. Bread
- Making a Siman to Make the Bread Permissible
- Baking a Small Amount
- Is the Issur Exclusively on Bread?
- Pas Shenilusha B'Chalav
- Copepods
- Confectioner's Glaze
- Strawberries
- Scale Bugs - Miut HaMotzoy vs. Muchzik
- Nireh Leynoyim
- Tolayim Overview
- The Mashgiach on the Road - Earliest Mincha & Latest Maariv
- Can a Mashgiach Recite Brachos in a Factory that has a Foul Odor?
- The Traveling Mashgiach - Tefilas HaDerech Part 2
- The Traveling Mashgiach: Tefilas HaDerech Part I
- A Mashgiach on the Road Being Yotzai Menorah With His Wife & Lighting Shortly Before Alos Hashachar
- Chometz In A Different Part of the World & Amira L’Yisroel to a Yid Where Shabbos is Over
- Chatzitza and Tevila by a Child or Non-Jew
- The Brocha and Tevila
- Covered Utensils & Hotels and Restaurants
- Electric Utensils
- Using & Reusing Utensils Bought With Food, Electric Utensils
- Common Questions - Does it Need to be Toiveled?
- Halachos of Disposable Keilim
- What Materials Require Tevila?
- Introduction to Tevilas Keilim
- Simanim & Labeling
- Keilim and Non-Kosher Whey
- What About Whey?
- Is Watching the Cheese Enough?
- Making Cheese on Shabbos
- What is Gevinas Akum?
- Koshering Glass Final Psak
- Koshering Glass Explained
- Koshering Glass
- Rov Tashmisha
- Koshering With Libun
- Koshering With Hagalah
- Aino Ben Yoma Part 2
- Aino Ben Yoma Part 1
- Hechsher Keilim Gezeiras HaKasuv
- Making a Brocha on Hagalas Keilim
- Introduction to Hagolas Keilim
- How Does Bishul Akum Affect Keilim?
- Does Bishul Akum Apply in Factories?
- What's the Status of My Favorite Drink?
- Does Bishul Akum Apply to Beverages?
- Determining Bishul Akum When Two Foods are Mixed Together
- Is Cooking Through Smoking Considered Bishul?
- What Cooking Methods are Considered Bishul?
- Can a Cooked Food Become Bishul Yisroel?
- At What Point is the Food Considered Cooked?
- Can One Rely on a Pilot Light for Bishul Yisroel?
- Is Turning on the Fire Enough for Bishul Yisroel?
- How to Define Shulchan Melochim When Exporting Food
- Defining Shluchan Melochim
- How Does A Food Become Oleh Al Shulchan Melochim?
- Does Bishul Akum Go by the Individual or Minhag HaMakom?
- Can Baking Nullify Bishul Akum Status?
- Does Bishul Akum Apply to Spices & Flavorings?
- Which Foods Are Not Subject to Bishul Akum?
- Does Chazakah Apply to Bishul Akum?
- Does Bishul Akum Apply to All Types of Akum?
- Why is Bishul Akum Assur?