Episode Synopsis "Koshering With Libun"
This series of Shiurim on Hechsher Keilim is presented by Rabbi Ari Senter, KOF-K Kashrus Administrator and Rov of Kehilas Yeshorim of Wesley Hills.
Listen "Koshering With Libun"
More episodes of the podcast AKO Kashrus Shiurim
- Simanim & Labeling: Siman Muvhak, Tvius Ayin and Locks
- Simanim & Labeling: Different Types of Seals and What Qualifies
- Simanim & Labeling: Checking the Seal Upon Receipt
- Simanim & Labeling: Situations When 1 Seal is Sufficient
- Simanim & Labeling: Sources for When 2 Seals Are Required and When 1 Seal is Sufficient
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Eating Meat with Caviar
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Eating Strawberries
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Schnitzel Made from Non-Pas Yisroel Breadcrumbs
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Snack Pretzels That Are Not Pas Yisroel
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Bracha on Pizza
- Heard from Moreinu Harav Shlomo Miller shlit"a - Bracha on Mezonos Bread
- Sake - Avoda Zara
- Sake - Bishul Akum 2
- Sake - Bishul Akum 1
- Sake - Overview and Ingredients Review
- Does Pas Shenilusha B'Chalav Assur Keilim?
- D.E. Bread
- Making a Siman to Make the Bread Permissible
- Baking a Small Amount
- Is the Issur Exclusively on Bread?
- Pas Shenilusha B'Chalav
- Copepods
- Confectioner's Glaze
- Strawberries
- Scale Bugs - Miut HaMotzoy vs. Muchzik
- Nireh Leynoyim
- Tolayim Overview
- The Mashgiach on the Road - Earliest Mincha & Latest Maariv
- Can a Mashgiach Recite Brachos in a Factory that has a Foul Odor?
- The Traveling Mashgiach - Tefilas HaDerech Part 2
- The Traveling Mashgiach: Tefilas HaDerech Part I
- A Mashgiach on the Road Being Yotzai Menorah With His Wife & Lighting Shortly Before Alos Hashachar
- Chometz In A Different Part of the World & Amira L’Yisroel to a Yid Where Shabbos is Over
- Chatzitza and Tevila by a Child or Non-Jew
- The Brocha and Tevila
- Covered Utensils & Hotels and Restaurants
- Electric Utensils
- Using & Reusing Utensils Bought With Food, Electric Utensils
- Common Questions - Does it Need to be Toiveled?
- Halachos of Disposable Keilim
- What Materials Require Tevila?
- Introduction to Tevilas Keilim
- Simanim & Labeling
- Keilim and Non-Kosher Whey
- What About Whey?
- Is Watching the Cheese Enough?
- Making Cheese on Shabbos
- What is Gevinas Akum?
- Koshering Glass Final Psak
- Koshering Glass Explained
- Koshering Glass
- Rov Tashmisha
- Koshering With Libun
- Koshering With Hagalah
- Aino Ben Yoma Part 2
- Aino Ben Yoma Part 1
- Hechsher Keilim Gezeiras HaKasuv
- Making a Brocha on Hagalas Keilim
- Introduction to Hagolas Keilim
- How Does Bishul Akum Affect Keilim?
- Does Bishul Akum Apply in Factories?
- What's the Status of My Favorite Drink?
- Does Bishul Akum Apply to Beverages?
- Determining Bishul Akum When Two Foods are Mixed Together
- Is Cooking Through Smoking Considered Bishul?
- What Cooking Methods are Considered Bishul?
- Can a Cooked Food Become Bishul Yisroel?
- At What Point is the Food Considered Cooked?
- Can One Rely on a Pilot Light for Bishul Yisroel?
- Is Turning on the Fire Enough for Bishul Yisroel?
- How to Define Shulchan Melochim When Exporting Food
- Defining Shluchan Melochim
- How Does A Food Become Oleh Al Shulchan Melochim?
- Does Bishul Akum Go by the Individual or Minhag HaMakom?
- Can Baking Nullify Bishul Akum Status?
- Does Bishul Akum Apply to Spices & Flavorings?
- Which Foods Are Not Subject to Bishul Akum?
- Does Chazakah Apply to Bishul Akum?
- Does Bishul Akum Apply to All Types of Akum?
- Why is Bishul Akum Assur?