A podcast series to help guide and motivate people in finding their passion for a healthier lifestyle in all areas of health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. If you want to connect, or send ideas and suggestions, you can email me at: [email protected] You can also follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pmccollough
Latest episodes of the podcast A Passion for Health
- Episode 9: The Importance of Support, Part II: Interview With Group Fitness Instructor Marcy Little
- Episode 8: The Importance of Support, Part I: Interview With Group Fitness Instructor Trish Watson
- Episode 7: Self Validation of Your Emotions and Feelings
- Episode 6: Balancing and Not Codepending
- Notice of Hiatus
- Episode 5: Embracing Your Unique Journey
- Episode 4: Take The Time To Refocus
- Episode 3: Stop Seeking Outside Validation
- Episode 2: Acknowledging Your Inner Struggles
- Episode 1: Introduction