Episode 22: Kim of Sober in Vegas

Episode 22: Kim of Sober in Vegas

Socialista Podcast

06/11/2018 2:58PM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 22: Kim of Sober in Vegas"

The Socialista Podcast is finally back with another episode! This chat was prerecorded. You know that feeling when you instantly connect with someone? It’s a rare moment, but one I experienced upon meeting Kim for the first time. Kim is the woman behind Sober in Vegas, a blog that explores the sober-friendly side of our dear home of Las Vegas. Because, yes, you can be sober in Vegas and do amazing things! I learned a lot about her personal journey at her mission behind her blog. Please listen to the full episode to get insight into Kim's life and to hear a special mocktail review! Follow Kim... IG: https://www.instagram.com/soberinvegas/ Blog: https://soberinvegas.com/ Ferguson's Feature: https://fergusonsdowntown.com/rooted-in-vegas-meet-kim-of-sober-in-vegas/ Many Thanks... Theme Music by Chop808 (IG:@chop808) Artwork by Abbie Paulhus (IG:@abbiepaulhus) Connect with me... IG: @socialistalv Facebook: Socialista Twitter: @socialista_llc Please leave any feedback and recommendations, like, share, and subscribe to stay updated! Email Socialista: [email protected] Website: coming soon!

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