Episode 10: Adam, Creator Of Pretty Done

Episode 10: Adam, Creator Of Pretty Done

Socialista Podcast

09/03/2018 5:22AM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 10: Adam, Creator Of Pretty Done"

Today on episode 10 of The Socialista Podcast, I got the chance to sit down with Adam, the founder and creator behind Pretty Done. Adam defintely has a cool story of how he got to Vegas. He started DJing during college, his passion for learning new things and his drive led him here. Now he does it all! From Pretty Done to photography to making music, Adam certainly loves to see things in a different perspective. He also speaks in length about personal growth and brand growth and how he conceptualizes his projects. He explains he is influenced by color combinations, geometric shapes and cartoon characters. Listen to learn more about Adam and the story behind Pretty Done. (Don’t forget to listen to the end for a live beat by Adam!!) Follow Adam’s Work… prettydone.com instagram.com/prettydone youtube.com/user/PrettyDone Featured Band This Week… Leather Bound Crooks “We Get Up And Go” https://open.spotify.com/track/5jfWKGQAjCRSkHogjTlTt4 Website: http://www.leatherboundcrooks.com @leatherboundcrooks on all social media outlets See them live March 30th at Bunkhouse Many Thanks... Recording Studio Provided by Fergusons Downtown (@fergusonsdowntown) Theme Music by Chop808 (IG:@chop808) Artwork by Abbie Paulhus (IG:@abbiepaulhus) Connect with me... IG: @socialistalv Facebook: Socialista Twitter: @socialista_llc Please leave any feedback and recommendations, like, share, and subscribe to stay updated! Email Socialista: [email protected] Website: www.socialistallc.com

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