006 - Jeff Boelé - A Coach to both Marathoners and Milers

006 - Jeff Boelé - A Coach to both Marathoners and Milers

Running with Coach Jay

25/11/2020 2:55PM

Episode Synopsis "006 - Jeff Boelé - A Coach to both Marathoners and Milers"

Jeff Boelé is one of the finest coaches I know, and one of the people I've most enjoyed collaborating with. He coaches a group of professional and semi-professional athletes in Boulder called Elevated Performance. In this episode, we talk about Jeff's approach to coaching distances from one mile to 26.2 miles. This is a great episode for an adult runner who wants to understand training on a deeper level. Jeff's been part of the Boulder Running Camps virtual camps and we discuss how effective his videos and his participation has been extremely helpful in delivering outstanding content, specifically training videos, to high school and middle school athletes. If you like Jeff's presentation style and you know a high school or middle school athlete who wants to improve, check out the camp and give them the opportunity to learn from Jeff and me. Finally, I highly recommend you check out the videos I've done with Jeff on YouTube. I have a playlist with all of Jeff's videos and if you're serious about improving you'll find them informative.

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