Dot COM: The Internet’s dominant TLD

After we addressed the topic choosing or changing a domain name, and our ZARZA Engineers ratified the superiority of the dot COM over other extensions, based on our readers requests we decided to aim on this topic and share crucial information for your represented, especially if you’re still not convinced that …

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Preparing for a Hacker Threat

Nowadays, connecting a device to the Internet is enough for it to be scanned in just a few minutes by multiple botnets, looking to meet with those who aren’t prepared for a hacker threat; getting by their algorithms, to identify behaviors, vulnerabilities, becoming in short time, like social networks, an …

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Internet as human right and its scope

The right to internet access is from mid-2011 a premise driven by United Nations (UN), which under various social and political events, indicates that Internet as human right, is and should be a guaranteed right across all associated countries. This time our engineers share with the community several impressions on …

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White Hat Hacking, Ethical Hackers…

ZARZA Engineers are at first place, specialists in White Hat Hacking, trained to secure and protect IT and communication systems. White hat hackers, in computer jargon, are security specialists who know how to break barriers as any hacker, however, by including the ethical component, they are considered good. Where does …

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Increase the rate of email delivery

One of the most common complaints among users and website hosting providers (and related services), are emails problems. In this opportunity, we will focus on advices and options to Increase the Rate of Email Delivery, Our Engineers will expose stories of success and thoughts that may help you. ZARZA clients who …

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Do you work sitting down? Do active breaks

Nowadays, working on a sitting position 6 to 8 hours or more is almost a standard in modern offices, this leads to a series of problems that in addition to lowering our working efficiency, can affect our health. In this opportunity we’ll take note of the experts advice and invite …

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Orthographic errors in Web pages

Writing is a graphical representation system, in which misspellings denote deficiency of some professionals and nonprofessionals in regards of quality control of their work; on Internet, being writing the main communication system, we see how orthographic errors on websites annoy both users and literates. This time, by the hand of …

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Telecommuting for employees of trust

Telecommuting has become more popular in recent years due to facilities provided by the Information Technology, where now image, text and video can be shared, developed and distributed regardless the geographical location of our offices and facilities. This has brought new challenges and opportunities for organizations, institutions and companies in …

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Email on your own domain, luxury or need?

Free emails have been very helpful for this media’s growth, however, many entrepreneurs, professionals and organizations ignore even till today, why an email on their own domain may give them although a competitive advantage, data protection and confidentiality on their communications. What’s the difference between a free email and an email …

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WWW. Is it obsolete or not? Should we use it?

Did you know that using WWW. before the domain isn’t required, and beyond its use, experts contradict if it’s recommendable to use it or not? In this note, ZARZA Engineers clarify doubts and point out reasons why you should’t use it or, continue to use it. WHAT IS WWW.? The abbreviation …

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