Episode Synopsis "Episode 7: The Value of a Great Coach and other stuff"
In this episode we have 3 pieces of advice for you: 1. the 3 pillars of diet, exercise and sleep 2. the value of a great coach or mentor 3. Get yourself an apple watch, fit-bit etc. to hold yourself accountable The book I mention in this is called The Willpower Instinct: How Self-control works by Kelly McGonigal https://www.amazon.com/Willpower-Instinct-Self-Control-Works-Matters/dp/1583335080/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1540056654&sr=8-1&keywords=the+willpower+instinct+how+self-control+works
Listen "Episode 7: The Value of a Great Coach and other stuff"
More episodes of the podcast Step It Up!
- The Espresso Bar: Ep 1
- Season 2 Episode 1: A sliding doors moment that we should never forget
- Season 2 Preview
- Episode 12: Screw Fear, Be Grateful
- Episode 11: Change your life's direction in 15 minutes
- Episode 10 - Rudyard Kipling - The First Life Coach
- Episode 9 - Getting depression out into the open
- Episode 8 - Be true to yourself
- Episode 7: The Value of a Great Coach and other stuff
- Episode 6 - How Jon found his inner Champion
- Episode 5 - The Power Of Visualization
- Episode 3 - How does Wonder Woman stay focused on her goals?
- Episode 4 - The Life of Meaning
- Episode 2 - The 'Mountain'
- Episode 1 - Step It Up! Introduction