Episode Synopsis "Fruits of Revival"
In this episode we look at the fruits of Revival."Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." When a person has an encounter with Jesus Christ, they are no longer the same.
Listen "Fruits of Revival"
More episodes of the podcast Ready for Revival?
- Young & Old
- Fruits of Revival
- A New Normal
- Holiness
- Things Which Hinder Revival
- Revival & The Bible
- The Kneeling Thing
- Testimonies & Feedback (MMC2020)
- Keep The Fire Burning
- Wedding Song
- The Mighty Men Phenomenon (Part 2)
- The Mighty Men Phenomenon
- A Stirring in Our Hearts
- Unprecedented Revival
- Open Heart & Open Eyes
- What is a Revivalist?