Episode Synopsis "The Kneeling Thing"
When God moves in peoples hearts, it demands a response. In this episode Angus talks about 'The kneeling thing'. When men and woman get on their knees before the Lord, and even before their fellow man, to ask forgiveness.That's Revival!
Listen "The Kneeling Thing"
More episodes of the podcast Ready for Revival?
- Young & Old
- Fruits of Revival
- A New Normal
- Holiness
- Things Which Hinder Revival
- Revival & The Bible
- The Kneeling Thing
- Testimonies & Feedback (MMC2020)
- Keep The Fire Burning
- Wedding Song
- The Mighty Men Phenomenon (Part 2)
- The Mighty Men Phenomenon
- A Stirring in Our Hearts
- Unprecedented Revival
- Open Heart & Open Eyes
- What is a Revivalist?