Episode Synopsis "Do Women Need to Say 100 Berakhot Every Day? (1)"
Do Women Need to Say 100 Berakhot Every Day? (1) by Rabbi Avi Harari
Listen "Do Women Need to Say 100 Berakhot Every Day? (1)"
More episodes of the podcast Rabbi Avi Harari
- Moreh Nevukhim #50 - 3.41 (3)
- Avelut - Saying "Sheheheyanu"
- Bava Kama 64b
- Confession Of Sins Before Passing Away
- Bava Kama 64a (2)
- Tu BiShvat - No Fasting or Tahanun
- Bava Kama 64a (1)
- Tomer Devorah #12 - "Balanced Truth"
- Yitro: The Power Of An Experience
- BeShalah: Tradition & Individuality
- Bava Kama 63b (2)
- Kevurah - Delaying The Burial
- Bava Kama 63b (1)
- Moreh Nevukhim #49 - 2.28
- Kevurah - Burying Non-Jewish Fallen Soldiers
- Bava Kama 63a
- Kevurah - Burial Next To Non-Jews
- Bava Kama 62b (2)
- Kevurah - Clinical Autopsies
- Bava Kama 62b (1)
- Tomer Devorah #10 - "Destroying Din"
- BeShalah: Do The Impossible
- Bo: Don't Lose The Spark Of Youth
- Bava Kama 62a (3)
- Moreh Nevukhim #48 - 3.11
- Parashat Bo - Learning to Listen
- Kevurah - Burying Fallen Soldiers In Israel
- Bava Kama 62a (2)
- The Kaddish - Saying It If Both Parents Are Alive
- Bava Kama 62a (1)
- Kevurah - Disinternment For Burial In Israel
- Bava Kama 61b (2)
- Kevurah - Burial in Israel
- Bava Kama 61b (1)
- Kevurah - Burial in a Casket or Directly Into the Ground
- Kevurah - Burying The Deceased
- The Kaddish - Saying "Tishbehata" or "Tushbehata"
- Bava Kama 61a (2)
- The Kaddish - How Many Men Need To Respond?
- Bava Kama 61a (1)
- Avelut - Covering Mirrors in a House of Mourning
- Bava Kama 60b (2)
- Shemot: Movement
- Tomer Devorah #9 - "Focus on the Essence"
- Vayhi: Leadership
- Bava Kama 60b (1)
- Parashat Vayhi - Leaning Into the Challenge
- The Kaddish - The Response of "Yehei Shemei..."
- The Kaddish - Saying It Before Hodu or Barukh SheAmar
- Bava Kama 60a (2)
- Berakhot 29b (2)
- Bava Kama 60a (1)
- The Kaddish - Answering "Yehei Shemei Rabah" With Kavanah
- Bava Kama 59b (2)
- Vayhi: Making Room For The Other
- Tomer Devorah #8 - "Coming Back Better"
- VaYigash: Future Thinking
- Bava Kama 59b (1)
- Parashat VaYigash - Humility & Heritage
- The Kaddish - "Nehamata"
- Bava Kama 59a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #47 - 3.10
- The Kaddish - "Berikh Hu"
- Bava Kama 59a (1)
- The Kaddish - "VeYassmah Purkanei ViKarev Meshihei"
- Bava Kama 58b (2)
- The Kaddish - When to Say "Al Yisrael"
- Bava Kama 58b (1)
- Hanukah: God's Children
- Tomer Devorah #7 - "Seeing the Whole Person"
- Hanukah: The Light From The Darkness
- Bava Kama 58a
- Parashat Mikess- Seize the Moment
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Can Women Say It?
- Bava Kama 57b (2)
- The Kaddish - Concluding With a Request for Shalom
- Bava Kama 57b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Saying Extra
- Bava Kama 57a (2)
- The Kaddish - Stepping Back and Turning
- Bava Kama 57a (1)
- Mikess: Humility
- Tomer Devorah #6 - "Anger Management"
- VaYeshev: Honesty
- Bava Kama 56b
- The Kaddish - When & How to Bow
- Bava Kama 56a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #46 - 3.12
- The Kaddish - Kaddish Titkabal
- Bava Kama 56a (1)
- The Kaddish - Understanding and Pronouncing the Word "Khirutei"
- Bava Kama 55a (2)
- The Kaddish - Standing or Sitting on Friday Night?
- Bava Kama 55b (1)
- VaYeshev: Real Hesed
- Tomer Devorah #5 - "We Are Family"
- VaYishlah: The Blessing of a Mission
- Bava Kama 55a
- The Kaddish - Should the Listeners Stand?
- Bava Kama 54b (2)
- The Kaddish - Saying It With Ten Men
- Bava Kama 54b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Saying Kaddish For More Than One Person
- Bava Kama 54a (2)
- Berakhot 29b (1)
- The Kaddish - The Meaning of "Yehe Shmei Raba"
- Bava Kama 54a (1)
- VaYishlah: Hard Work
- Tomer Devorah #4 - "Forgiveness"
- VaYesse: Balance
- Bava Kama 53b (2)
- Parashat VaYesse - God of the Heavens and Earth
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Saying It For a Non-Jew
- Bava Kama 53b (1)
- Moreh Nevukhim #45 - 3.17 & 3.24
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Why Is It Aramaic?
- Bava Kama 53a (2)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Saying It Together With Others
- Bava Kama 53a (1)
- Avelut - Not Cutting Hair or Shaving (2)
- Bava Kama 52b (2)
- Berakhot 29a
- Avelut - Not Cutting Hair or Shaving (1)
- Bava Kama 52b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Passing in Front of Someone
- Bava Kama 52a (2)
- Toledot: Doing the Right Thing Even When it Isn't Easy
- Tomer Devorah #3 - "Patience" (2)
- Hayei Sarah: Leaving a Legacy
- Bava Kama 52a (1)
- Parashat Hayei Sarah - Avraham's Journey
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Asking Someone Else to Say It
- Bava Kama 51b (2)
- Berakhot 28b (2)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Standing With Feet Together
- Bava Kama 51b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Minhag & Communal Acceptance
- Bava Kama 51a (2)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Understanding Its Purpose (2)
- Bava Kama 51a (1)
- Tomer Devorah #2 - "Patience" (1)
- Hayei Sarah: True Dedication to Others
- VaYera: Tefilah as a Conversation
- Bava Kama 50b (2)
- Bava Kama 50b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Understanding Its Purpose (1)
- Bava Kama 50a (2)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - A Brief Background
- Bava Kama 50a (1)
- Eulogies on Shabbat for a Hakham
- Bava Kama 49b (3)
- VaYera: Individuality
- Tomer Devorah #1 - Getting Over Yourself
- Lekh Lekha: Responsibility
- Bava Kama 49b (2)
- How to Greet a Mourner
- Bava Kama 49b (1)
- Bava Kama 49a (2)
- Kavanah When Sitting in the Sukkah
- Bava Kama 49a (1)
- Which "Sukkot" Did Bnei Yisrael Sit In?
- Bava Kama 48b (4)
- VeZot HaBerakhah: The Fire of Torah
- Sukkot - Sitting in the "Sukkah of Livyatan"
- Yom Kippur: Praying For Our Nation
- Bava Kama 48b (3)
- Eating on Erev Yom Kippur
- Bava Kama 48b (2)
- Yom Kippur - Angelic Potential
- Saying Avenu Malkenu During Aseret Yemei Teshuvah
- Bava Kama 48b (1)
- Additions to the Amidah During Aseret Yemei Teshuvah
- Bava Kama 48a (5)
- Saying "Ha-Melekh Ha-Kadosh" and "Ha-Melekh Ha-Mishpat"
- Bava Kama 48a (4)
- Sleeping on Rosh HaShanah
- Bava Kama 48a (3)
- Happiness & Rejoicing on Rosh HaShanah
- Bava Kama 48a (2)
- Selihot - How To Say the Words "Hashem Hashem"
- Bava Kama 48a (1)
- Rosh HaShanah - Redirecting Your Life
- Rosh HaShanah: Confusing the Satan
- Wake Up! (Shaare Teshuvah #4)
- Rosh HaShanah - The Day of Personal Freedom
- Bava Kama 47b (5)
- Selihot - Ending "VaYa'avor" at "VeNakeh"
- Bava Kama 47b (4)
- Selihot - How to Say the Words "Vayikra Beshem Hashem"
- Bava Kama 47b (3)
- The Sounds of Teshuvah
- Bava Kama 47b (2)
- Selihot - Saying Before Minha
- Bava Kama 47b (1)
- Nissavim: The Concealed & The Revealed
- The Escape Route (Shaare Teshuvah #3)
- Rosh HaShanah - Focus on Your Potential
- Bava Kama 47a (2)
- Parashat Ki Tavo - Moshe's Essential Lesson
- Berakhot 28b (1)
- Bava Kama 47a (1)
- Moreh Nevukhim #44 - 3.36 (2)
- Approaching Rosh HaShanah With Hesed
- Bava Kama 46b (3)
- Selihot - Saying Birkot Ha-Torah Beforehand
- Bava Kama 46b (2)
- Selihot - The Earliest Time to Say
- Bava Kama 46b (1)
- Ki Tavo: Consistency
- Teshuvah as a "New Creation" (Shaare Teshuvah #2)
- Selihot - In Place of Talmud Torah?
- Bava Kama 46a (3)
- Parashat Ki Tesse - Old Stories, New Lessons
- Bava Kama 46a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #43 - 3.36 (1)
- Selihot - Saying the Aramaic Portions with a Minyan
- Bava Kama 46a (1)
- Selihot - Can A Mourner Be Hazan?
- Bava Kama 45b (3)
- Selihot - Saying VaYa'avor Without a Minyan
- Bava Kama 45b (2)
- The Unique Path of Teshuvah (Shaare Teshuvah #1)
- Ki Tesse: Everyday Mercy
- Bava Kama 45b (1)
- Sounding the Shofar Throughout Elul
- Bava Kama 45a (2)
- Selihot - A Brief Background
- Bava Kama 45a (1)
- Elul: Standing Before God
- Bava Kama 44b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Having Negative Intention
- Bava Kama 44b (1)
- The Written Words of Halakhah (10) "Kidush Be-Makom Seudah With Wine"
- Shofetim: Behaving "Godly"
- Pirkei Avot 1:15 "Hillel & Shamai"
- Re'eh: The Ideal & The Real
- Bava Kama 44a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - 'Elokai Neshamah' and 'Modeh Ani'
- Bava Kama 44a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying 'Elokai Neshamah' When Awake All Night
- Bava Kama 43b (2)
- Berakhot 28a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - 'Elokai Neshamah' After 'Asher Yassar'
- Bava Kama 43b (1)
- Re'eh: Setting and Resetting Goals
- The Truths of Halakhah (8) - "Amirah LeYisrael"
- Pirkei Avot 1:14 - Caring For Yourself & Others
- Bava Kama 43a (3)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying Them After a Burial
- Bava Kama 43a (2)
- Giving Sedakah Before Tefilah
- Bava Kama 43a (1)
- Ekev: The "Smaller" Miracles
- Bava Kama 42b (2)
- Saying Keriat Shema By Heart
- Bava Kama 42b (1)
- Can Midrash Determine Halakhah? (5) - "Non-Jewish Names"
- Ekev: Wanting What You Have
- Pirkei Avot 1:13 "Go Up or Fall Down"
- VaEthanan: A Prayerful Nation
- Bava Kama 42a (2)
- Parashat VaEthanan - Patience
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Women's Obligation
- Bava Kama 42a (1)
- Berakhot 28a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Asani Ki-Ressono"
- Bava Kama 41b (2)
- Tishah Be-Av: From Separation to Unity
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Ozer Yisrael Bi-Gevurah"
- Bava Kama 41b (1)
- Devarim: Listening
- Bava Kama 41a (2)
- Parashat Devarim - Vulnerability
- Berakhot 27b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Lo Asani Goy"
- Bava Kama 41a (1)
- Berakhot 27b (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Lo Asani Goy, Aved & Ishah"
- Bava Kama 40b (2)
- Bava Kama 40b (1)
- Berakhot 27a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Oter Yisrael Be-Tifarah"
- Bava Kama 40a (2)
- Pirkei Avot 1:13-14 "Individual & Society"
- Devarim: Simplicity
- The "Written" and "Practiced" Law (Women & 100 Berakhot)
- Masei: Running From & To Yourself
- Bava Kama 40a (1)
- Parashat Matot - Religious & National Responsibilities
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying 100 Berakhot Every Day (2)
- Bava Kama 39b (2)
- Berakhot 27a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - If You Forgot to Say Them in the Morning
- Bava Kama 39b (1)
- Masei: The Journey
- Bava Kama 38a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Ha-Noten La-Ya'ef Koah"
- Bava Kama 38a (1)
- The Will of the Torah
- Matot: Unbiased Torah
- Pirkei Avot 1:11-12 "Speech"
- Pinehas: Keeping it New
- Bava Kama 38b (1)
- Parashat Pinehas - Leadership
- Bava Kama 38a (2)
- Berakhot 26b (2)
- Do Women Need to Say 100 Berakhot Every Day? (1)
- Bava Kama 38a (1)
- Berakhot 26b (1)
- Bava Kama 37b (2)
- Berakhot 26a (2)
- Saying 100 Berakhot on Shabbat and Holidays
- Bava Kama 37b (1)
- Pirkei Avot 1:10 - "Love The Melakhah"
- Balak: Everything Takes Time
- Bava Kama 37a (3)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying 100 Berakhot Every Day (1)
- Bava Kama 37a (2)
- Berakhot 26a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying "Ha-mekhin Missadei" Before "She-Asah Li"
- Bava Kama 37a (1)
- Balak: Tefilah
- Bava Kama 36b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Asah Li Kol Sorki" on Yom Kippur and Tishah Be-Av
- Bava Kama 36b (1)
- Immediate Burial: Halakhah & Tradition
- Balak: The Power of a Single Minute
- Pirkei Avot 1:8 - "Humility"
- Hukat: Redirection
- Bava Kama 36a (1)
- Parashat Hukat - Self-Development
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Asah Li Kol Sorki"
- Bava Kama 35b (3)
- Berakhot 25b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Malbish Arumim"
- Bava Kama 35b (2)
- Hukat: Emunah Peshutah
- Bava Kama 35b (1)
- Berakhot 25b (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Poke'ah Ivrim"
- Bava Kama 35a (2)
- Pirkei Avot 1:7 - "The Effect Of Your Surroundings On You"
- Bava Kama 35a (1)
- Bava Kama 34b (2)
- Berakhot 25a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Ha-Noten La-Sekhvi Binah"
- Bava Kama 34b (1)
- Korah: Our Actions Influence Others
- Bava Kama 34a (2)
- Berakhot 25a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - When To Say Them
- Bava Kama 34a (1)
- בריך שמיה: A Brief History (2)
- Pirkei Avot 1:6 - "Look Outside of Yourself"
- Shelah: It's Not Easy - And It Shouldn't Be!
- Bava Kama 33b (4)
- Parashat Shelah - Attention to Details
- Bava Kama 33b (3)
- Berakhot 24b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Learning Immediately After Saying the Berakhot
- Bava Kama 33b (2)
- Berakhot 24b (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - "Ve-Ha'Arev Na"
- Bava Kama 33b (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - "Asher Bahar Banu"
- Bava Kama 33a (2)
- Shelah: Listening to God (And Not Yourself)
- Law & Practice (Berakhah on Hot Coffee)
- BeHa'alotekha: Constancy
- Bava Kama 33a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - While Sitting or Standing?
- Bava Kama 32b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Listening to Torah
- Bava Kama 32b (1)
- Berakhot 24a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - The Proper Wording of the First Berakhah
- Bava Kama 32a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - When Awake All Night
- Bava Kama 32a (1)
- BeHa'alotekha: Vulnerability
- Thoughts & Actions
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Writing & Thinking Torah
- Bava Kama 31b (2)
- Shavuot: Reexperiencing Sinai
- Bava Kama 31b (1)
- Bava Kama 31a (3)
- Shavuot: The Sweetness of Torah
- Bava Kama 31a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Why Do We Only Say The Berakhot Once a Day?
- Bava Kama 31a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - What To Say Them On
- Bava Kama 30b (3)
- Berakhot 24a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Women's Obligation
- Bava Kama 30b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Why Don't We Say a Berakhah After Learning?
- Bava Kama 30b (1)
- BeMidbar: Being Vulnerable
- Pirkei Avot 1:5 - "Hokhmah and Binah"
- BeHukotai: Constant Growth
- Bava Kama 30a (3)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - When in Doubt...
- Bava Kama 30a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #42 - 3.48 (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Introduction
- Bava Kama 30a (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Counting the Omer With a Congregation
- Bava Kama 29b (2)
- Lag and Lad La-Omer - History, Minhagim & Meaning
- Legends & Halakhah
- BeHar: Who Are You?
- Bava Kama 29b (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Eating Before Counting the Omer
- Bava Kama 29a (2)
- Pesah Sheni - History, Minhagim & Meaning
- Bava Kama 29a (1)
- Berakhot 23b (2)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Counting During the Night or Day
- Bava Kama 28b (3)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - "Le-Shem Yihud"
- Bava Kama 28b (2)
- BeHar: Living With a Purpose
- Pirkei Avot 1:4 "The House as a Foundation"
- Emor: Noticing the Other (2)
- Bava Kama 28b (1)
- Parashat Emor - Journeying Through the Omer and Life
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Saying "Ha-Rahaman" After Counting
- Bava Kama 28a (4)
- Moreh Nevukhim #42 - 3.43
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - If You Forgot to Count a Day, Should You Continue to Count the Weeks?
- Bava Kama 28a (3)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Becoming a Bar Missvah During the Omer
- Bava Kama 28a (2)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - When You Will Certainly Miss Counting a Day
- Bava Kama 28a (1)
- Emor: Noticing the Other (1)
- Pirkei Avot 1:3 "Living Connected"
- Sefirat HaOmer: Gratitude
- Bava Kama 27b
- R. Akiva's Students & Receiving the Torah
- Sefirat Omer - How to Answer "What Day Are We Up To?"
- Bava Kama 27a (3)
- Moreh Nevukhim #41 - 3.48 (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Remembering the Mikdash
- Bava Kama 27a (2)
- Berakhot 23b (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Why Don't We Say "She-Heheyanu"?
- Bava Kama 27a (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer: Standing or Sitting?
- Bava Kama 26b (2)
- Sefirat HaOmer: Finding Kedushah in All Places
- Pirkei Avot 1:2 "Get Over Yourself!"
- Sefirat HaOmer: The Unique Missvah of "Counting"
- Bava Kama 26b (1)
- Pirkei Avot 1:1 - Carefully Finding "Your Torah"
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - The Earliest Time to Count
- Bava Kama 26a (2)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Saying "La-Omer" or "Ba-Omer"
- Bava Kama 26a (1)
- Pesah: Seeing the Whole Picture
- Pirkei Avot - Introduction
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Women
- Beginning and Final Stages of Damage (2)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer Today - From the Torah or the Rabbis?
- Beginning and Final Stages of Damage (1)
- Bava Kama 25b (2)
- Pesah: The Partnership
- Pesah - The Responsibilities of Freedom
- Pesah: Law & Order
- Bava Kama 25b (1)
- Bava Kama 25a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #40 - 3.34
- Shabbat Ha-Gadol - Haftarah
- Bava Kama 25a (1)
- Berakhot 23a (2)
- Shabbat Ha-Gadol - What is it?
- Bava Kama 24b (2)
- Pesah - Avodah Through Torah
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - On Shabbat or Yom Tov
- Bava Kama 24b (1)
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - Fruit Trees and Zerizut
- Pesah - The Freedom of Speech
- Pesah: The Spiritual Freedom of Giving to Others (2)
- Bava Kama 24b (1)
- Pesah - Why Questions?
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - How Many Trees?
- Bava Kama 24a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #39 - 3.31 & 48
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - When?
- Bava Kama 24a (1)
- Berakhot 23a (1)
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - A Brief Background
- Bava Kama 23b (3)
- Should One Say a Berakhah on a Solar Eclipse?
- Bava Kama 23b (2)
- Pesah: The Spiritual Freedom of Giving to Others (1)
- Berakhot on Earthquakes
- Pesah - The Need for Speed
- Shemini: Keep it New
- Bava Kama 23b (1)