Episode Synopsis "Bava Kama 23b (1)"
Bava Kama 23b (1) by Rabbi Avi Harari
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More episodes of the podcast Rabbi Avi Harari
- Moreh Nevukhim #50 - 3.41 (3)
- Avelut - Saying "Sheheheyanu"
- Bava Kama 64b
- Confession Of Sins Before Passing Away
- Bava Kama 64a (2)
- Tu BiShvat - No Fasting or Tahanun
- Bava Kama 64a (1)
- Tomer Devorah #12 - "Balanced Truth"
- Yitro: The Power Of An Experience
- BeShalah: Tradition & Individuality
- Bava Kama 63b (2)
- Kevurah - Delaying The Burial
- Bava Kama 63b (1)
- Moreh Nevukhim #49 - 2.28
- Kevurah - Burying Non-Jewish Fallen Soldiers
- Bava Kama 63a
- Kevurah - Burial Next To Non-Jews
- Bava Kama 62b (2)
- Kevurah - Clinical Autopsies
- Bava Kama 62b (1)
- Tomer Devorah #10 - "Destroying Din"
- BeShalah: Do The Impossible
- Bo: Don't Lose The Spark Of Youth
- Bava Kama 62a (3)
- Moreh Nevukhim #48 - 3.11
- Parashat Bo - Learning to Listen
- Kevurah - Burying Fallen Soldiers In Israel
- Bava Kama 62a (2)
- The Kaddish - Saying It If Both Parents Are Alive
- Bava Kama 62a (1)
- Kevurah - Disinternment For Burial In Israel
- Bava Kama 61b (2)
- Kevurah - Burial in Israel
- Bava Kama 61b (1)
- Kevurah - Burial in a Casket or Directly Into the Ground
- Kevurah - Burying The Deceased
- The Kaddish - Saying "Tishbehata" or "Tushbehata"
- Bava Kama 61a (2)
- The Kaddish - How Many Men Need To Respond?
- Bava Kama 61a (1)
- Avelut - Covering Mirrors in a House of Mourning
- Bava Kama 60b (2)
- Shemot: Movement
- Tomer Devorah #9 - "Focus on the Essence"
- Vayhi: Leadership
- Bava Kama 60b (1)
- Parashat Vayhi - Leaning Into the Challenge
- The Kaddish - The Response of "Yehei Shemei..."
- The Kaddish - Saying It Before Hodu or Barukh SheAmar
- Bava Kama 60a (2)
- Berakhot 29b (2)
- Bava Kama 60a (1)
- The Kaddish - Answering "Yehei Shemei Rabah" With Kavanah
- Bava Kama 59b (2)
- Vayhi: Making Room For The Other
- Tomer Devorah #8 - "Coming Back Better"
- VaYigash: Future Thinking
- Bava Kama 59b (1)
- Parashat VaYigash - Humility & Heritage
- The Kaddish - "Nehamata"
- Bava Kama 59a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #47 - 3.10
- The Kaddish - "Berikh Hu"
- Bava Kama 59a (1)
- The Kaddish - "VeYassmah Purkanei ViKarev Meshihei"
- Bava Kama 58b (2)
- The Kaddish - When to Say "Al Yisrael"
- Bava Kama 58b (1)
- Hanukah: God's Children
- Tomer Devorah #7 - "Seeing the Whole Person"
- Hanukah: The Light From The Darkness
- Bava Kama 58a
- Parashat Mikess- Seize the Moment
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Can Women Say It?
- Bava Kama 57b (2)
- The Kaddish - Concluding With a Request for Shalom
- Bava Kama 57b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Saying Extra
- Bava Kama 57a (2)
- The Kaddish - Stepping Back and Turning
- Bava Kama 57a (1)
- Mikess: Humility
- Tomer Devorah #6 - "Anger Management"
- VaYeshev: Honesty
- Bava Kama 56b
- The Kaddish - When & How to Bow
- Bava Kama 56a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #46 - 3.12
- The Kaddish - Kaddish Titkabal
- Bava Kama 56a (1)
- The Kaddish - Understanding and Pronouncing the Word "Khirutei"
- Bava Kama 55a (2)
- The Kaddish - Standing or Sitting on Friday Night?
- Bava Kama 55b (1)
- VaYeshev: Real Hesed
- Tomer Devorah #5 - "We Are Family"
- VaYishlah: The Blessing of a Mission
- Bava Kama 55a
- The Kaddish - Should the Listeners Stand?
- Bava Kama 54b (2)
- The Kaddish - Saying It With Ten Men
- Bava Kama 54b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Saying Kaddish For More Than One Person
- Bava Kama 54a (2)
- Berakhot 29b (1)
- The Kaddish - The Meaning of "Yehe Shmei Raba"
- Bava Kama 54a (1)
- VaYishlah: Hard Work
- Tomer Devorah #4 - "Forgiveness"
- VaYesse: Balance
- Bava Kama 53b (2)
- Parashat VaYesse - God of the Heavens and Earth
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Saying It For a Non-Jew
- Bava Kama 53b (1)
- Moreh Nevukhim #45 - 3.17 & 3.24
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Why Is It Aramaic?
- Bava Kama 53a (2)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Saying It Together With Others
- Bava Kama 53a (1)
- Avelut - Not Cutting Hair or Shaving (2)
- Bava Kama 52b (2)
- Berakhot 29a
- Avelut - Not Cutting Hair or Shaving (1)
- Bava Kama 52b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Passing in Front of Someone
- Bava Kama 52a (2)
- Toledot: Doing the Right Thing Even When it Isn't Easy
- Tomer Devorah #3 - "Patience" (2)
- Hayei Sarah: Leaving a Legacy
- Bava Kama 52a (1)
- Parashat Hayei Sarah - Avraham's Journey
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Asking Someone Else to Say It
- Bava Kama 51b (2)
- Berakhot 28b (2)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Standing With Feet Together
- Bava Kama 51b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Minhag & Communal Acceptance
- Bava Kama 51a (2)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Understanding Its Purpose (2)
- Bava Kama 51a (1)
- Tomer Devorah #2 - "Patience" (1)
- Hayei Sarah: True Dedication to Others
- VaYera: Tefilah as a Conversation
- Bava Kama 50b (2)
- Bava Kama 50b (1)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - Understanding Its Purpose (1)
- Bava Kama 50a (2)
- The Mourner's Kaddish - A Brief Background
- Bava Kama 50a (1)
- Eulogies on Shabbat for a Hakham
- Bava Kama 49b (3)
- VaYera: Individuality
- Tomer Devorah #1 - Getting Over Yourself
- Lekh Lekha: Responsibility
- Bava Kama 49b (2)
- How to Greet a Mourner
- Bava Kama 49b (1)
- Bava Kama 49a (2)
- Kavanah When Sitting in the Sukkah
- Bava Kama 49a (1)
- Which "Sukkot" Did Bnei Yisrael Sit In?
- Bava Kama 48b (4)
- VeZot HaBerakhah: The Fire of Torah
- Sukkot - Sitting in the "Sukkah of Livyatan"
- Yom Kippur: Praying For Our Nation
- Bava Kama 48b (3)
- Eating on Erev Yom Kippur
- Bava Kama 48b (2)
- Yom Kippur - Angelic Potential
- Saying Avenu Malkenu During Aseret Yemei Teshuvah
- Bava Kama 48b (1)
- Additions to the Amidah During Aseret Yemei Teshuvah
- Bava Kama 48a (5)
- Saying "Ha-Melekh Ha-Kadosh" and "Ha-Melekh Ha-Mishpat"
- Bava Kama 48a (4)
- Sleeping on Rosh HaShanah
- Bava Kama 48a (3)
- Happiness & Rejoicing on Rosh HaShanah
- Bava Kama 48a (2)
- Selihot - How To Say the Words "Hashem Hashem"
- Bava Kama 48a (1)
- Rosh HaShanah - Redirecting Your Life
- Rosh HaShanah: Confusing the Satan
- Wake Up! (Shaare Teshuvah #4)
- Rosh HaShanah - The Day of Personal Freedom
- Bava Kama 47b (5)
- Selihot - Ending "VaYa'avor" at "VeNakeh"
- Bava Kama 47b (4)
- Selihot - How to Say the Words "Vayikra Beshem Hashem"
- Bava Kama 47b (3)
- The Sounds of Teshuvah
- Bava Kama 47b (2)
- Selihot - Saying Before Minha
- Bava Kama 47b (1)
- Nissavim: The Concealed & The Revealed
- The Escape Route (Shaare Teshuvah #3)
- Rosh HaShanah - Focus on Your Potential
- Bava Kama 47a (2)
- Parashat Ki Tavo - Moshe's Essential Lesson
- Berakhot 28b (1)
- Bava Kama 47a (1)
- Moreh Nevukhim #44 - 3.36 (2)
- Approaching Rosh HaShanah With Hesed
- Bava Kama 46b (3)
- Selihot - Saying Birkot Ha-Torah Beforehand
- Bava Kama 46b (2)
- Selihot - The Earliest Time to Say
- Bava Kama 46b (1)
- Ki Tavo: Consistency
- Teshuvah as a "New Creation" (Shaare Teshuvah #2)
- Selihot - In Place of Talmud Torah?
- Bava Kama 46a (3)
- Parashat Ki Tesse - Old Stories, New Lessons
- Bava Kama 46a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #43 - 3.36 (1)
- Selihot - Saying the Aramaic Portions with a Minyan
- Bava Kama 46a (1)
- Selihot - Can A Mourner Be Hazan?
- Bava Kama 45b (3)
- Selihot - Saying VaYa'avor Without a Minyan
- Bava Kama 45b (2)
- The Unique Path of Teshuvah (Shaare Teshuvah #1)
- Ki Tesse: Everyday Mercy
- Bava Kama 45b (1)
- Sounding the Shofar Throughout Elul
- Bava Kama 45a (2)
- Selihot - A Brief Background
- Bava Kama 45a (1)
- Elul: Standing Before God
- Bava Kama 44b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Having Negative Intention
- Bava Kama 44b (1)
- The Written Words of Halakhah (10) "Kidush Be-Makom Seudah With Wine"
- Shofetim: Behaving "Godly"
- Pirkei Avot 1:15 "Hillel & Shamai"
- Re'eh: The Ideal & The Real
- Bava Kama 44a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - 'Elokai Neshamah' and 'Modeh Ani'
- Bava Kama 44a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying 'Elokai Neshamah' When Awake All Night
- Bava Kama 43b (2)
- Berakhot 28a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - 'Elokai Neshamah' After 'Asher Yassar'
- Bava Kama 43b (1)
- Re'eh: Setting and Resetting Goals
- The Truths of Halakhah (8) - "Amirah LeYisrael"
- Pirkei Avot 1:14 - Caring For Yourself & Others
- Bava Kama 43a (3)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying Them After a Burial
- Bava Kama 43a (2)
- Giving Sedakah Before Tefilah
- Bava Kama 43a (1)
- Ekev: The "Smaller" Miracles
- Bava Kama 42b (2)
- Saying Keriat Shema By Heart
- Bava Kama 42b (1)
- Can Midrash Determine Halakhah? (5) - "Non-Jewish Names"
- Ekev: Wanting What You Have
- Pirkei Avot 1:13 "Go Up or Fall Down"
- VaEthanan: A Prayerful Nation
- Bava Kama 42a (2)
- Parashat VaEthanan - Patience
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Women's Obligation
- Bava Kama 42a (1)
- Berakhot 28a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Asani Ki-Ressono"
- Bava Kama 41b (2)
- Tishah Be-Av: From Separation to Unity
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Ozer Yisrael Bi-Gevurah"
- Bava Kama 41b (1)
- Devarim: Listening
- Bava Kama 41a (2)
- Parashat Devarim - Vulnerability
- Berakhot 27b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Lo Asani Goy"
- Bava Kama 41a (1)
- Berakhot 27b (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Lo Asani Goy, Aved & Ishah"
- Bava Kama 40b (2)
- Bava Kama 40b (1)
- Berakhot 27a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Oter Yisrael Be-Tifarah"
- Bava Kama 40a (2)
- Pirkei Avot 1:13-14 "Individual & Society"
- Devarim: Simplicity
- The "Written" and "Practiced" Law (Women & 100 Berakhot)
- Masei: Running From & To Yourself
- Bava Kama 40a (1)
- Parashat Matot - Religious & National Responsibilities
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying 100 Berakhot Every Day (2)
- Bava Kama 39b (2)
- Berakhot 27a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - If You Forgot to Say Them in the Morning
- Bava Kama 39b (1)
- Masei: The Journey
- Bava Kama 38a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Ha-Noten La-Ya'ef Koah"
- Bava Kama 38a (1)
- The Will of the Torah
- Matot: Unbiased Torah
- Pirkei Avot 1:11-12 "Speech"
- Pinehas: Keeping it New
- Bava Kama 38b (1)
- Parashat Pinehas - Leadership
- Bava Kama 38a (2)
- Berakhot 26b (2)
- Do Women Need to Say 100 Berakhot Every Day? (1)
- Bava Kama 38a (1)
- Berakhot 26b (1)
- Bava Kama 37b (2)
- Berakhot 26a (2)
- Saying 100 Berakhot on Shabbat and Holidays
- Bava Kama 37b (1)
- Pirkei Avot 1:10 - "Love The Melakhah"
- Balak: Everything Takes Time
- Bava Kama 37a (3)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying 100 Berakhot Every Day (1)
- Bava Kama 37a (2)
- Berakhot 26a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - Saying "Ha-mekhin Missadei" Before "She-Asah Li"
- Bava Kama 37a (1)
- Balak: Tefilah
- Bava Kama 36b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Asah Li Kol Sorki" on Yom Kippur and Tishah Be-Av
- Bava Kama 36b (1)
- Immediate Burial: Halakhah & Tradition
- Balak: The Power of a Single Minute
- Pirkei Avot 1:8 - "Humility"
- Hukat: Redirection
- Bava Kama 36a (1)
- Parashat Hukat - Self-Development
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "She-Asah Li Kol Sorki"
- Bava Kama 35b (3)
- Berakhot 25b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Malbish Arumim"
- Bava Kama 35b (2)
- Hukat: Emunah Peshutah
- Bava Kama 35b (1)
- Berakhot 25b (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Poke'ah Ivrim"
- Bava Kama 35a (2)
- Pirkei Avot 1:7 - "The Effect Of Your Surroundings On You"
- Bava Kama 35a (1)
- Bava Kama 34b (2)
- Berakhot 25a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - "Ha-Noten La-Sekhvi Binah"
- Bava Kama 34b (1)
- Korah: Our Actions Influence Others
- Bava Kama 34a (2)
- Berakhot 25a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Shahar - When To Say Them
- Bava Kama 34a (1)
- בריך שמיה: A Brief History (2)
- Pirkei Avot 1:6 - "Look Outside of Yourself"
- Shelah: It's Not Easy - And It Shouldn't Be!
- Bava Kama 33b (4)
- Parashat Shelah - Attention to Details
- Bava Kama 33b (3)
- Berakhot 24b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Learning Immediately After Saying the Berakhot
- Bava Kama 33b (2)
- Berakhot 24b (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - "Ve-Ha'Arev Na"
- Bava Kama 33b (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - "Asher Bahar Banu"
- Bava Kama 33a (2)
- Shelah: Listening to God (And Not Yourself)
- Law & Practice (Berakhah on Hot Coffee)
- BeHa'alotekha: Constancy
- Bava Kama 33a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - While Sitting or Standing?
- Bava Kama 32b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Listening to Torah
- Bava Kama 32b (1)
- Berakhot 24a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - The Proper Wording of the First Berakhah
- Bava Kama 32a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - When Awake All Night
- Bava Kama 32a (1)
- BeHa'alotekha: Vulnerability
- Thoughts & Actions
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Writing & Thinking Torah
- Bava Kama 31b (2)
- Shavuot: Reexperiencing Sinai
- Bava Kama 31b (1)
- Bava Kama 31a (3)
- Shavuot: The Sweetness of Torah
- Bava Kama 31a (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Why Do We Only Say The Berakhot Once a Day?
- Bava Kama 31a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - What To Say Them On
- Bava Kama 30b (3)
- Berakhot 24a (1)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Women's Obligation
- Bava Kama 30b (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Why Don't We Say a Berakhah After Learning?
- Bava Kama 30b (1)
- BeMidbar: Being Vulnerable
- Pirkei Avot 1:5 - "Hokhmah and Binah"
- BeHukotai: Constant Growth
- Bava Kama 30a (3)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - When in Doubt...
- Bava Kama 30a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #42 - 3.48 (2)
- Birkot Ha-Torah - Introduction
- Bava Kama 30a (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Counting the Omer With a Congregation
- Bava Kama 29b (2)
- Lag and Lad La-Omer - History, Minhagim & Meaning
- Legends & Halakhah
- BeHar: Who Are You?
- Bava Kama 29b (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Eating Before Counting the Omer
- Bava Kama 29a (2)
- Pesah Sheni - History, Minhagim & Meaning
- Bava Kama 29a (1)
- Berakhot 23b (2)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Counting During the Night or Day
- Bava Kama 28b (3)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - "Le-Shem Yihud"
- Bava Kama 28b (2)
- BeHar: Living With a Purpose
- Pirkei Avot 1:4 "The House as a Foundation"
- Emor: Noticing the Other (2)
- Bava Kama 28b (1)
- Parashat Emor - Journeying Through the Omer and Life
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Saying "Ha-Rahaman" After Counting
- Bava Kama 28a (4)
- Moreh Nevukhim #42 - 3.43
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - If You Forgot to Count a Day, Should You Continue to Count the Weeks?
- Bava Kama 28a (3)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Becoming a Bar Missvah During the Omer
- Bava Kama 28a (2)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - When You Will Certainly Miss Counting a Day
- Bava Kama 28a (1)
- Emor: Noticing the Other (1)
- Pirkei Avot 1:3 "Living Connected"
- Sefirat HaOmer: Gratitude
- Bava Kama 27b
- R. Akiva's Students & Receiving the Torah
- Sefirat Omer - How to Answer "What Day Are We Up To?"
- Bava Kama 27a (3)
- Moreh Nevukhim #41 - 3.48 (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Remembering the Mikdash
- Bava Kama 27a (2)
- Berakhot 23b (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Why Don't We Say "She-Heheyanu"?
- Bava Kama 27a (1)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer: Standing or Sitting?
- Bava Kama 26b (2)
- Sefirat HaOmer: Finding Kedushah in All Places
- Pirkei Avot 1:2 "Get Over Yourself!"
- Sefirat HaOmer: The Unique Missvah of "Counting"
- Bava Kama 26b (1)
- Pirkei Avot 1:1 - Carefully Finding "Your Torah"
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - The Earliest Time to Count
- Bava Kama 26a (2)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Saying "La-Omer" or "Ba-Omer"
- Bava Kama 26a (1)
- Pesah: Seeing the Whole Picture
- Pirkei Avot - Introduction
- Sefirat Ha-Omer - Women
- Beginning and Final Stages of Damage (2)
- Sefirat Ha-Omer Today - From the Torah or the Rabbis?
- Beginning and Final Stages of Damage (1)
- Bava Kama 25b (2)
- Pesah: The Partnership
- Pesah - The Responsibilities of Freedom
- Pesah: Law & Order
- Bava Kama 25b (1)
- Bava Kama 25a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #40 - 3.34
- Shabbat Ha-Gadol - Haftarah
- Bava Kama 25a (1)
- Berakhot 23a (2)
- Shabbat Ha-Gadol - What is it?
- Bava Kama 24b (2)
- Pesah - Avodah Through Torah
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - On Shabbat or Yom Tov
- Bava Kama 24b (1)
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - Fruit Trees and Zerizut
- Pesah - The Freedom of Speech
- Pesah: The Spiritual Freedom of Giving to Others (2)
- Bava Kama 24b (1)
- Pesah - Why Questions?
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - How Many Trees?
- Bava Kama 24a (2)
- Moreh Nevukhim #39 - 3.31 & 48
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - When?
- Bava Kama 24a (1)
- Berakhot 23a (1)
- Birkat Ha-Ilanot - A Brief Background
- Bava Kama 23b (3)
- Should One Say a Berakhah on a Solar Eclipse?
- Bava Kama 23b (2)
- Pesah: The Spiritual Freedom of Giving to Others (1)
- Berakhot on Earthquakes
- Pesah - The Need for Speed
- Shemini: Keep it New
- Bava Kama 23b (1)