Episode Synopsis "Episode 2: Transform your business by just changing your money story"
I have been struggling with my business for so many years because of the stories I had around money. In these episode, I share how I overcame my money blocks and how it made a big difference my business.
Listen "Episode 2: Transform your business by just changing your money story"
More episodes of the podcast Profit To Purpose
- Episode 18: How will you know if your friend loves the gift you plan to offer? Offer it!
- Episode 17: The success of your business depends on how you manage your energy
- Episode 16: How to enjoy selling when you are an introvert
- Episode 15: Sustainable Fashion: How Raye Padit Created A Conscious And Impactful Business By Changing Our Relationship With Clothes
- Episode 14: How Joan Used The Freedom of Her Inner Child To Create More Expansion As An Artist
- Episode 13: How to feel more energized using Inner Fountain of Youth breathing technique?
- Episode 12: Why loving yourself is key to a thriving life
- Episode 11: The Art of Doing nothing is Everything
- Episode 10: Le stress de parler en public
- Episode 9: Transformation is about listening to your heart
- Episode 8: Comment Misa a retrouve sa Lumiere interieure après 4 ans de galere
- Episode 7: How Misa moved away from her 4 years struggle to create the life she wanted
- Episode 5: How to use manifestation to have anything you want in your life
- Episode 6: Temoignage client: quel lien entre sante et argent?
- Episode 4: How my client closed 3 contracts in 3 weeks
- Episode 3: 3 things that I changed in my offer to accelerate my impact.
- Why Agility is the new normal?
- Episode 2: Transform your business by just changing your money story
- Profit To Purpose (Trailer)