Episode Synopsis "Episode 11: What's Left Behind"
Sometimes when loved ones pass away we can feel stuck. We have a hard time separating their stuff, from them and we mistakenly cling to all of it, impacting our lives in negative ways. Let’s talk about what you can do to get unstuck.Visit awakenyourinterior.com/resources to download my FREE printable body-led journal and find my Spotify playlist of all the movement songs I share during this podcast. Start listening closely to your body.
Listen "Episode 11: What's Left Behind"
More episodes of the podcast Listening Closely - Awaken Your Interior
- Episode 16: Finding Our Edges
- Episode 15: Worthy of Being Seen
- Episode 14: Letting Go
- Episode 13: Creating Space for Everyone
- Episode 12: A Sea of Gray
- Episode 11: What's Left Behind
- Episode 10: Taming the Toys
- Episode 9: Another Ghost
- Episode 8: Magic Wand
- Episode 7: The Ghosts
- Episode 6: The Spot
- Episode 5: Lit Up
- Episode 4: Beauty in the Bones
- Episode 3: The Red Slipper Moment
- Episode 2: The Way Back
- Episode 1: Dreaming and the Dark
- Episode 0: Trailer