Episode 0: Trailer

Episode 0: Trailer

Listening Closely - Awaken Your Interior

12/12/2020 7:09AM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 0: Trailer"

Hi, I am Tasha Cleaveland, a mom of 3 teenagers, wife, interior designer, and a woman who found my way back to myself, through embodied dance. Hard to believe, I know. How can dancing do that? But it did and I want to share with you how simply listening to your own body can change your life too.Go to awakenyourinterior.com/resources to get your free printable journal and start listening to your body. Its also where I will drop all my favorite resources, throughout the course of this podcast. From movement teachers so you can take full classes, to Spotify playlists that I have spent years curating for my own movement practice and I want to share with you, even links to things that bring me joy.

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