In the past, when starting a business, we used to chose its domain name at last, but nowadays, many organizations start by choosing their website domain, then proceed to complete the company’s registration processes. In this note, ZARZA Engineers address certain details to help you choose a web domain or help you deciding to look for …
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Digital Natives: Children of today, Technologists of Tomorrow
Except of some digital natives in the late nineties, most born in the first decade of 2000, and overall all newborns of this current decade of 21st century, are known as Digital Natives… This time, our Engineers share from an adult perception, their thoughts on what’s been, what is, and what could we expect in …
Read More »CAPTCHA for human verification!
CAPTCHA was born in response to the hacker threat, due to the creation of robots to bypass different systems. Nowadays, CAPTCHA usage is very popular on the Internet. In this note, our ZARZA Engineers discuss about this interesting topic, sharing specific and accurate information about it and it’s correct use, along with alternative recommended measures. …
Read More »Preparing for a Hacker Threat
Nowadays, connecting a device to the Internet is enough for it to be scanned in just a few minutes by multiple botnets that look to meet with those who haven’t prepare for a hacker threat; achieving, by their algorithms, goals as identifying behaviors, vulnerabilities, creating in a short time, just like social networks, …
Read More »7 Advices to Prevent Identity Theft
Zarza Engineers will explain in this note a few basic advises to keep yourself safe from Identity Theft, they’ll also expose some of the most frequent ways used Identity Theft is executed nowadays. In the U.S. almost every single person is used to keep as protected as possible their social security number, …
Read More »Information Technology (IT)
Further than a strict concept, Information Technology is the group of services, equipment and consulting that let hundred of thousands organizations around the world to keep on top of the new technology, therefore, increasing their penetration on regions previously unknown, catapulting their products and services to markets virtually unlimited. The term …
Read More »Prevent Attacks From Your Local Area Network
Many times we are naively asked by end users, organizations, dealers and providers, about their security on the technological infrastructure level, the popular perception prompts them to protect themselves from external attacks, however, we must be as careful with attacks coming from the outside of our gateways as we should …
Read More »Positive Attitude, Share your ZARZA Attitude!
Positive attitude is crucial in business, being one of the aspects to be monitored and treated efficiently and expeditiously, to prevent the corporate image of any institution being affected by an individual attitude; In this note we share our ZARZA attitude and provide some tips to “transform” your job atmosphere. Share Your ZARZA Attitude! …
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