Episode Synopsis "Vietnamese lesson 2: Consonants"
There are 17 consonants in total in the Vietnamese alphabet. They are B, C, D, Đ, G, H, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X For Southerners, we pronounce X and S the same way as xờ. So as to tell them apart when it comes to writing, we use xờ xe for X and xờ sẻ for S. Children are taught to use Bờ for B and Bê for P. From now on, I’ll use B bê for B and B phở for P. Some common phrases: XIN CHAO: hello LAM ƠN/ VUI LONG: please XIN LÔI: sorry/ excuse me CAM ƠN: thank you XIN CHIA BUÔN: condolences CHUC MƯNG SINH NHÂT: happy birthday CHUC MƯNG NĂM MƠI: happy new year TUÂN SAU GĂP LAI: see you next week As for how to say these phrases, come and listen to me on the next episodes.