8: Halym Kim & Storm D'Angelo - Tell me, why did I like Mondays?

8: Halym Kim & Storm D'Angelo - Tell me, why did I like Mondays?

Uncovering the Scenius

31/07/2020 8:36AM

Episode Synopsis "8: Halym Kim & Storm D'Angelo - Tell me, why did I like Mondays?"

In this episode we talk with drummer, composer, bandleader and creator of the mondayband, Halym Kim; and saxophonist, composer, bandleader and co-leader of the mondayband, Storm D'Angelo. We chat about the band, about music, about the Copenhagen scene and how it welcomed these two young artists. Mandagsklubben is now unfortunately closed and with it, the mondayband disappeared. But this episode was recorded while it was still going strong and seemed like an immovable object and part of the Copenhagen scene.

Listen "8: Halym Kim & Storm D'Angelo - Tell me, why did I like Mondays?"

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