Episode Synopsis "Newport Dominos, Amazon Lube, and Durp Burp Durp Blurp Blurp"
This is Two Plates, the spot to belly up to the table and enjoy a meal with some good company. Today we judge the local Dominoes pizza take out and just do our best to entertain each other. Come chill and enjoy! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/twoplates/support
Listen "Newport Dominos, Amazon Lube, and Durp Burp Durp Blurp Blurp"
More episodes of the podcast Two Plates
- Mooning A Ghost and I can't Be Nice to Someone Who Is Not Nice To Me Just Because They Are Family
- Newport Dominos, Amazon Lube, and Durp Burp Durp Blurp Blurp
- Don't Poop in the RV and Rich People Have Lots of Forest Tuna
- As Her Gaze met the Egg in My Handlebar Mustache
- Two Plates Pilot: Two Burritos, Sharon!