Mooning A Ghost and I can't Be Nice to Someone Who Is Not Nice To Me Just Because They Are Family

Mooning A Ghost and I can't Be Nice to Someone Who Is Not Nice To Me Just Because They Are Family

Two Plates

08/02/2019 10:33PM

Episode Synopsis "Mooning A Ghost and I can't Be Nice to Someone Who Is Not Nice To Me Just Because They Are Family"

As always do you like you know how! In this one we eat some sweet and spicy hot wings, get funny and deep together. We reminisce about a time we were testing a paranormal video device across the house and James mooned Diana and something that looked like a person reacted to it very naturally. Was it a ghost? Who knows? We also talk about how Diana isn't letting her alcoholic family, namely her dad, treat her bad just because he is her family and that is huge. We get funny and deep in this one so what are you waiting for? Do you like you know how and join us at the table.

Listen "Mooning A Ghost and I can't Be Nice to Someone Who Is Not Nice To Me Just Because They Are Family"

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