Episode Synopsis "His Master’s Voice"
The Holy Spirit is speaking all the time, and as the Supernatural Church we can hear Him speak to us. He is God and He lives in us! As we learn more about the Master's voice, we see some of the reasons He speaks to us, the ways we can prepare ourselves in order to hear Him speak, the things He speaks to us about and what we are to do when we hear Him speak. Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit isn't complicated; it's one of the most natural things that the Supernatural Church can do. The post His Master’s Voice appeared first on Living Rock Church.
Listen "His Master’s Voice"
More episodes of the podcast Supernatural Church Archives - Living Rock Church
- What Kind Of People Live In A Supernatural House?
- The First Sign
- A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken
- The Supernatural Church Has a Supernatural Voice (Part Two)
- Walking In Blessing
- Activating The Gifts
- Fan Into Flame
- Encounter
- The Supernatural Servant
- His Master’s Voice
- The Supernatural Church Has A Supernatural Voice
- Striving For Maturity
- Prepared And Pressing-On
- Supernatural Church: Harmony of Heaven & Earth
- Supernatural Church: Just Like Jesus
- The Divine Deposit
- Supernatural Church