A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

Supernatural Church Archives - Living Rock Church

24/06/2018 10:58AM

Episode Synopsis "A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken"

Hebrews 12:18-29: The writer to the Hebrews points back to the time of the prophet Haggai, who spoke of God's intention to shake everything in this world, in order that 'treasures of the nations' would come into His kingdom and His house would be filled with glory. In Hebrews we see that this remains God's plan, and we consider (i) The Context in which we live, (ii) The Company in which stand and (iii) The Core of who we are ... a 'Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken', ready to reach out to a world in need of hope! The post A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken appeared first on Living Rock Church.

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