Episode Synopsis "Alleluia and Gospel"
Mark 6 vv. 1–13
Listen "Alleluia and Gospel"
More episodes of the podcast Sung Eucharist 2012 July 8 AM
- Introit: Ave Maria
- Welcome
- Kyrie 'orbis factor'
- Absolution
- Gloria (Western Wynde Mass)
- Collect and Epistle
- Psalm 123
- Alleluia and Gospel
- Address
- Credo VII
- Prayers of Intercession and The Peace
- Hymn 296 (NEH): Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
- Eucharistic Prayer
- Sanctus (Western Wynde Mass)
- Benedictus (Western Wynde Mass)
- Eucharistic Prayer (continued)
- Agnus Dei (Western Wynde Mass)
- Post-communion Prayer
- Hymn 295 (NEH): Let all mortal flesh keep silence
- Voluntary: Fantasia in C