Episode 1: It Just Takes A Little Bit Of Humanity

Episode 1: It Just Takes A Little Bit Of Humanity

Spartans Speak: A UNCG Alumni Podcast

30/09/2018 7:53PM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 1: It Just Takes A Little Bit Of Humanity"

"I really honestly think that service is taking 10 seconds of your day and making someone else's day". For alumni Summer Drum '17, Itane Coleman '17 and Jessica "Twitch" Twitchell '16, service isn't something you do, it's a way of life. Their commitment to helping others was shaped by the spirit of service at UNC Greensboro. Listen to their discussion to learn more about the personal impact of serving and their advice for incorporating service into our busy lives. Welcome to Episode 1 of Spartans Speak. Spartans Speak is a podcast hosted by the UNCG GOLD Council, a group of committed alumni who have graduated within the last decade. They work hard to help other recent alumni maintain a connection to the University. The podcast is intended for all Spartans and covers topics that are important to our alumni and students. Music: Optimistic Keys by Mikael Manvelyah Told Ya by Jason Donnelly No Time for Games by Neil Cross

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