SkeptiQuartz #03: Aromatherapy

SkeptiQuartz #03: Aromatherapy


01/07/2014 9:41PM

Episode Synopsis "SkeptiQuartz #03: Aromatherapy"

A quick debunking of aromatherapy. TRANSCRIPT: Hello, I am Ari from Quartz, and welcome to episode 3 the SkeptiQuartz podcast. Today, we are going to debunk aromatherapy. Aromatherapy, according to my favorite source, Wikipedia, is QUOT: a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mind, mood, cognitive function or health. END QUOT! Many aromatherapists say that aromatherapy can have a long term stress reduction, but there is little evidence to back up this claim. Some aromatherapists go far enough as to say that aromatherapy cures cancer, but, according to the American Cancer Society, QUOT: Available scientific evidence does not support claims that aromatherapy is effective in preventing or treating cancer, but its use may enhance quality of life. END QUOT! If you have any disputes with my conclusions, contact me at

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