Single Muslim Peeps Podcast - Intro

Single Muslim Peeps Podcast - Intro

Single Muslim Peeps

25/02/2021 11:43PM

Episode Synopsis "Single Muslim Peeps Podcast - Intro"

Sallam Peeps!   Welcome to my first ever Single Muslim Peeps Podcast!  My name is Taz and I will be your host for the upcoming and exciting Single Muslim Peeps Podcasts which delves into the world of 'Muslim' or 'Halal' marriage/ dating be it via the online, (I’m talking about the dreaded apps!...for those who know!), as well as going into the offline/ traditional route.      This podcast will be a short one to tell you guys who I am, a little about my background through the mysterious world of 'Muslim marriage' search and what the purpose of these podcasts will be about, Inshaa Allah.   Look out for more podcasts to come!   Signing out your sis, Taz! :)    Ways you can contact me; On YouTube; Single Muslim Peeps Podcast   On Reddit; r/singlemuslimpeeps  Via Email; [email protected]  Facebook; @SingleMuslimPeepsPodcast

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