Episode Synopsis "Sharma Strength and Performance Podcast 2 |Feat.Tejas Jaishankar |current affairs in strength world"
This is second installment of Sharma strength and performance podcast. Here, I have a brutally strong and probably the smartest lifter in North India . Dude has 710 kilo powerlifting total and has survived a life threatening accident and started strongman and powerlifting after that and is one of the top raw lifters here. In today's podcast we talk about our views on 501 kilos deadlift by Hafthor Bjornsson , Boxing match between him and Eddie Hall and about his latest training experience and what he did in the most recent past to beat the crash in his strength . Honestly , this could be a good learning experience for everyone. My Instagram : Ishaan68 or Sharma Strength and Performance My Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ishaan.sharma.10 To get coached by me Email here : [email protected] Tejas' Instagram : Tejas strength systems https://instagram.com/tejasstrengthsystems?igshid=kz3630x4997p