Sharma Ji Rants|2men discussing about the movie 'Joker'/mental health/Glorification of victimhood .

Sharma Ji Rants|2men discussing about the movie 'Joker'/mental health/Glorification of victimhood .

Sharma Strength And Performance Podcast

08/03/2020 12:13PM

Episode Synopsis "Sharma Ji Rants|2men discussing about the movie 'Joker'/mental health/Glorification of victimhood . "

This is just a small extract from a long video and audio conversation between I and my friend Abhishek Singh. We have been working in the fitness industry for some time and both work as Strength and Conditioning coaches. Joker the the movie was a cinematic wonder and yet we feel that the movie did glorify the idea of being a victim . Here we discuss over that and more . Please do share your views over the matter.

Listen "Sharma Ji Rants|2men discussing about the movie 'Joker'/mental health/Glorification of victimhood . "

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