Episode Synopsis "The Serving Christian"
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More episodes of the podcast Sermons
- The Gospel Truth Displayed
- Come and Drink
- Jesus at the Feast of Booths
- New Year's Resolution
- Jesus the New Born King!
- Loving Jesus
- Joy
- True Peace From God
- Jesus Christ our Living Hope
- Marks of A True Disciple
- The Bread of Life
- The Seeking Crowd
- The Commandments of Jesus
- Jesus' Fifth Miracle
- Worshipping Jesus Through Serving
- Worshipping Jesus Through Giving
- Worshipping Jesus Through Prayer
- Worshipping Jesus Through Singing Praise
- What is Your Church About?
- The Blessing of God's Steadfast Love
- Our New Life Testimony
- But Then God
- Here I Am Lord
- The Spirit of Revival
- 5 Convictions We Need as Christians
- Jesus' Fourth Miracle
- Jesus on Trial
- Who is Jesus?
- Legalism Exposed
- A Desperate Father
- A Town Transformed
- A Biblical Husband
- A Divine Appointment
- He Must Increase
- From the Pit to Praise
- For God so Loved
- Church Discipleship
- Nicodemus Part 1
- What Happens When God’s House is no Longer His?
- Jesus' First Miracle
- Jesus Calls His First Disciples
- The Witnessed Resurrection
- 7 Statements of Jesus on the Cross
- Prepare the Way!
- The Serving Christian
- The Incarnation of Jesus Christ
- 5 Foundational Truths About Jesus
- What Storms Reveal
- It Only Makes Sense
- A Psalm of Thanks!
- The Fathers Love , Inheritance & Providential Care For His Children
- True Worship
- Before Abraham Was, I Am
- I am the Good Shepherd
- I am the Door
- Walk Humbly With Your God
- Redeem the Time
- Angels Heard on High
- Gifts
- I Am the True Vine
- I am the Bread of Life
- I am the Light of the World
- God’s Will for You
- The Weight, Glory, & Calling of Service
- Propitiation
- Jesus is God: God Says So!
- What Have We Done With That Commandment?
- The Lord, He is God
- God’s Judgements-God’s Mercies: Part 2
- God’s Judgements-God’s Mercies: Part 1
- This is the Way: A Graphic Image
- Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
- Work (A Reflection of God's Character) Part 2
- Work (A Reflection of God's Character) Part 1
- Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled (Part 2)
- Living Faithfully
- Wait or Weight?
- What is Our Primary Purpose?
- A Christian Pleasing to God
- A Church Pleasing to God
- The Temptation of Jesus
- God's Salvation Plan
- The Prodigal Son
- Luke 22
- The Book of Life
- By Faith Part 6
- Gideon's Faith
- Rahab's Faith
- By Faith Part 3
- By Faith Part 2
- By Faith
- Resurrection Sunday
- Palm Sunday 2022
- Exodus 12
- 2 Corinthians 12
- Luke 12
- Mark 14
- It’s Time We Got Used to Waiting: The God of Promise
- Communion Sunday
- When Jesus Doesn't Show Up
- Jesus Washing His Disciples Feet
- Martha and Mary
- Paving the Way
- Who Do You Say I Am?
- Romans 12:1-2
- Isaiah 61
- Advent Series: Love
- Advent Series: Joy
- Advent Series: Peace
- Advent Series: Hope
- Luke 17
- Getting the Gospel Right
- 5 Most Disappointing Responses to the Gospel
- The Parable of the Great Banquet
- Daniel 3
- Nehemiah 4
- Joshua 24
- Numbers 13
- The Greatest Test of All - Your Faith Part 3
- Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled
- His Loving Kindness
- Do Not Be Anxious
- Lead Us Not Into Temptation
- Our Greatest Needs
- It's Not About You
- Intimate Reverence
- Jesus is Worthy
- Hope Under Pressure
- The Greatest Test Of All- Your Faith Part 2
- 7 Churches
- True Religion
- Amazing Grace
- A Meditation on God’s Law and God’s People
- The Great Commission
- Positioned by Grace
- Gifts for the Church
- The Greatest Test of All- Your Faith
- A Call To Persevere
- Judgement is Still Coming
- Judgement is Coming
- Truth is Under Attack
- John 11: The Resurrection of Lazarus
- What if?
- The Triumphant Entry of Jesus
- The Preacher's Conclusion
- The Church's Responsibilities Before the Day of the Lord
- Titus 3
- Women and Slaves
- Titus 2
- Our Living Hope