Episode Synopsis "Finding Spiritual Sabbath in a Busy World "
If you struggle with understanding what the Bible means when it says we are to enter into rest or what Sabbath rest refers to, join me as I read the first chapter of Shelly Miller’s book Rhythms of Rest. This is one of my longest podcasts but I offer this opportunity to connect with the personal journey if one who established Sabbath Society and helped so many come to an understanding of what it means to find spiritual rest. You can purchase the book, Rhythms of Rest by Shelly Miller at Amazon.
Listen "Finding Spiritual Sabbath in a Busy World "
More episodes of the podcast Seeds of Faith
- Life Songs
- Repentance Prayer
- Faith vs Fear
- Imagine God’s Desire (for Prodigals)
- John Newton and God’s Amazing Grace
- Prodigals and Those Who Love Them
- Overcoming in Prayer
- Singleness of Heart. … the fear of God
- What to Pray for Peace
- Enduring through Trials
- Steady Gaze
- Finding Spiritual Sabbath in a Busy World
- Healing Scriptures Part 2
- Healing Scriptures
- Welcoming 2023
- Is your mind on the throne of your life?
- The Christmas Story from Luke Chapter 2
- A Sign
- My Personal Testimony 2020-2022
- Building an Altar
- A Sky Full of Children
- Resolution
- Come, Lord Jesus
- Thoughts from Colossians
- A New Shoot with Old Roots
- A Christmas Memory
- Cousin Elizabeth
- The Government is on His Shoulder
- Like a Song
- The Waters Saw You
- The Inscriber Within
- I Will Join Myself to Them
- The Water of Bethlehem
- The Narrow Way
- Joseph Dreams
- He Comes Down from Heaven
- Introduction to Advent
- Is the Spirit Good and the Soul Bad?
- The Power Struggle Between the Spirit, Soul and Body
- Thoughts are Powerful
- Persistent Prayer
- Light and Joy Seeds
- Prayer for Healing
- Nicodemus comes to Jesus about the Kingdom of God
- Advent Poem 1 On the Word Made Fkesh