Episode Synopsis "Winning the Race between Human Learning and Machine Learning"
Rapid changes of technologies brings new possibilities to humankind. Artificial Intelligence has advanced the technology to create humanlike robots that continuously learn from humans themselves. How can we compete with the robots? Dr Thomas Reeves, Prof Emeritus from the University of Georgia, United States discussed how we can use Design Research to win the race between Human Learning and Machine Learning. #UX #research #uxresearch #uxdesign #design #userexperience #uiux #uxui #uxindonesia #uxindo #cx #customerinsight #customerexperience #designthinking #designresearch #machinelearning #artificiaintelligence #uxindo #uxindonesia #cxinsight #servicedesign
Listen "Winning the Race between Human Learning and Machine Learning"
More episodes of the podcast SD Sprint
- A Smart Educational Environment for mLearning
- How to Write and Review CHI Papers
- Winning the Race between Human Learning and Machine Learning
- Online Learning in Australia: A High School Student's Perspective
- Concurrent Co-existence: Sharing the Design Space
- Mental Health Challenges and Impacts during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Predicting User Behaviour: Usability Testing at Robert Burns Museum
- Deep Digitality and Digital Thinking
- Inclusive Design