Plasmodesmata tomogram movie

Plasmodesmata tomogram movie

Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University (SLCU)

10/06/2019 10:40AM

Episode Synopsis "Plasmodesmata tomogram movie"

Plasmodesmata tomogram by William Nicolas. Part of research project: Dawei Yan, Shri Ram Yadav, Andrea Paterlini, William J. Nicolas, Jules D. Petit, Lysiane Brocard, Ilya Belevich, Magali S. Grison, Anne Vaten, Leila Karami, Sedeer el-Showk, Jung-Youn Lee, Gosia M. Murawska, Jenny Mortimer, Michael Knoblauch, Eija Jokitalo, Jonathan E. Markham, Emmanuelle M. Bayer, Ykä Helariutta (2019) Sphingolipid biosynthesis modulates plasmodesmal ultrastructure and phloem unloading. Nature Plants DOI: 10.1038/s41477-019-0429-5

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