Episode Synopsis "Episode 3 - Burning The Midnight Oil: Managing Priorities and Professors with Prince Gammage of LyondellBasell"
Mr. Prince Gammage and Ms. Kai Young meet up to discuss time management on campus and in the workplace. If you want tips that you can use today, check out this episode!My mentee co-host today is Kai Young, a freshman at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA wanting to save the world.My mentoring co-host today is Prince Gammage of Fresno, TX. He is originally from Riviera Beach, FL and is a hard working member of corporate America that graduated from Florida A&M University. He works for LyondellBassell Industries, is a licensed commercial real estate agent, and is the father of a brand new baby girl. With the goal of becoming a millionaire by the time he turns 40 .... Mr. Prince Gammage has had to learn how to manage his time and be disciplined.Get encouraged by a peer that has the same questions as you and a mentor that has walked in your shoes. Let's see what nuggets of wisdom were shared during this recent conversation.
Listen "Episode 3 - Burning The Midnight Oil: Managing Priorities and Professors with Prince Gammage of LyondellBasell"
More episodes of the podcast Rise Up Mentoring Podcast: Advice to Help You Succeed
- Episode 12 - The Secret to Finding a Great Mentor
- Epsiode 11 - Big House People with Eric Veltz
- Episode 10 - Becoming The Most Memorable Person In The Room with Ramon Ray of Smart Hustle Magazine
- Episode 9 - First Impressions and Interviews
- Episode 8 - Failure Is Never Fatal with Railroad Commissioner Ryan Sitton
- Episode 7 - Success is a Choice!
- Episode 6 - Draft Day: Recruiting Your Personal A-TEAM with Nigel Brown of Accenture
- Episode 5 - Why Start A Podcast In The First Place?
- Episode 4 - Burning The Midnight Oil: Managing Priorities and Professors, Part 2 with Prince Gammage of LyondellBasell
- Episode 3 - Burning The Midnight Oil: Managing Priorities and Professors with Prince Gammage of LyondellBasell
- Episode 2 - You are not eight anymore, You SHOULD talk to strangers
- Episode 1 - Welcome To College: You Have What It Takes
- Introducing the Rise Up Mentoring Program