The 3 Reasons: Why I’m Using Funnels To Build My Network Marketing Business...

The 3 Reasons: Why I’m Using Funnels To Build My Network Marketing Business...


18/03/2021 7:33AM

Episode Synopsis "The 3 Reasons: Why I’m Using Funnels To Build My Network Marketing Business..."

Yo!!!! Super excited to share this episode with you! This show we are covering “The 3 reasons why I am using funnels to build my MLM business” (1. To Extend My Reach; 2. To get more leads, sales, and conversions; and 3. Efficiency) of course there are more reasons that I will share at a later time, but these are my top 3 actionable reasons why I using an internet Funnel is far more better that the old mundane way of doing MLM today! If no one is willing to call out these outdated tactics on the carpet and address the unspoken elephant in the room, I will be that one! I will be LOUD about it! I will use this platform to voice my opinion about it, coupled with introducing new ways of approach the “marketing” building piece of MLM! I want to thank all of my current listeners and future listeners for taking time to join me in this conversation. I encourage you to use these tips in your own business! You have my permission!!! Don’t forget: LIKE | SUBSCRIBE | and Leave Feedback| and I’ll see you on the next episode of MLM Paradigm Shift Hacks Radio! Grace&peace!

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