Lead With Your Origin Story! Not Your Opportunity Or Product...

Lead With Your Origin Story! Not Your Opportunity Or Product...


04/03/2021 3:18AM

Episode Synopsis "Lead With Your Origin Story! Not Your Opportunity Or Product... "

I remember when I first got started in MLM years ago, I was super pumped about the opportunity and the dream of becoming successful! However, looking back it in retrospect I was taught bad marketing strategies and tactics. I was told often times to just promote the products, promote the opportunity, the products are super great, the best on the market and they will “sale” themselves. Of ignorance, I did what I was told by my upline... and did just that! Not realizing that I was giving the wrong vehicle and I had to learn how to do it the right way (the epiphany). I later learned that (storytelling) was the new way of selling, well it was new too me! I was familiar with storytelling, but didn’t know that it was a form of marketing. Some of the most sought after marketers today are phenomenal storyteller’s. This episode will inform you and enlighten you too share your story... not aimlessly, but with the goal of drawing people into your world. You didn’t just “out of the blue” joined your MLM... what was the pain points that drew you to that initial “Yes, I will join” or what was the REAL reason behind you consuming your MLM’s products....? That’s what people need to hear, instead of the “Techno babble” of what your product and opportunity is... stop telling people what it is, and start telling them what it does! And how it changed your life! Do me a favor! Share if you care| Like| and Subscribe!

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