S2 E2: Experiencing trials through faith and walking in a calling w/Jamie Van Dyke

S2 E2: Experiencing trials through faith and walking in a calling w/Jamie Van Dyke

Refine by Fire

29/10/2021 5:13PM

Episode Synopsis "S2 E2: Experiencing trials through faith and walking in a calling w/Jamie Van Dyke"

Matt is joined by Jamie Van Dyke who has an amazing story of stepping out in obedience to pursue a dream of relationship and serving in the shape of a coffee trailer. Jamie started Avenue Coffee back in 2020 and opened in April of this year. Through that, she has experienced plenty of hardship but also a huge blessing of support and community.  Follow Jamie and Avenue Coffee Trailer on social media! Avenue Coffee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avenue.coffee.trailer/ Avenue Coffee website: https://www.avenuecoffeetrailer.com/

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