Ep. 3: The Heart of Missions w/Peyton Skur / There is a new zealous generation of believers brewing

Ep. 3: The Heart of Missions w/Peyton Skur / There is a new zealous generation of believers brewing

Refine by Fire

02/11/2020 6:14PM

Episode Synopsis "Ep. 3: The Heart of Missions w/Peyton Skur / There is a new zealous generation of believers brewing "

Matthew 28 in the great commission, Jesus tells his followers to go and make disciples of all nations. It is the calling of Christians to go and spread the gospel to grow the Kingdom of Heaven. In this week's episode, YWAM missionary Peyton Skur talks with Matt about the heart of missions. A great conversation about Peyton's testimony and challenges he faced while being overseas spreading the gospel, as well as what this new generation of disciple-making means for young believers in 2020. 

Listen "Ep. 3: The Heart of Missions w/Peyton Skur / There is a new zealous generation of believers brewing "

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