Episode Synopsis "Joyful Assurance in Jesus 8/20/2023"
This passage in Luke specifically verses 1 and 2 are a couple of the foundational verses for Christ Our Hope. Luke 10: 1-16 : The Mission of the Kingdom You know the interesting thing about Life is that God meant for it to be reproduced. This reproduction happens in several ways, whether it’s the planting…
Listen "Joyful Assurance in Jesus 8/20/2023"
More episodes of the podcast Redemption City Church
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- Titus 2:11-15 Part 5 (Mike Bartlett) 05/19/24
- Titus 2:1-10 Part 4 (Sebastian Ramos) 05/12/24
- Titus 1:10-16 Part 3 (Mike Bartlett) 05/05/24
- Titus 1:5-9 Part 2 (Mark Bergin) 04/28/24
- Titus 1:1-4 Part 1 (Mike Bartlett) 04/21/24
- Faith and Work Sunday - (Mike Bartlett) 04/14/24
- Church Membership Sunday - (Sebastian Ramos) 04/07/24
- Easter Sunday - March 31, 2024
- Good Friday Service - March 29, 2024
- Gospel Culture Part 8 - "Bear with one another in love" (Sebastian Ramos) 03/24/24
- City Ministries Sunday (Mike Bartlett) 03/17/24
- Gospel Culture Part 7 - "Do not judge one another" (Josh Bachand) 03/10/24
- Gospel Culture Part 6 - "Live in Harmony with one another" (Mark Bergin) 03/03/24
- Gospel Culture Part 5- "Show Honor" (Mike Bartlett) 02/25/24
- Church Planting Sunday (Ronnie Goble) 02/18/24
- Gospel Culture Part 4 - "Show Hospitality to One Another" (Mark Bergin) 02/11/24
- Gospel Culture Part 3 - "Confess Your Sins to One Another" (Mike Bartlett) James 5:16 01/28/24
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- New Years Eve (Ken Wiest)
- Eve of the Eve Service
- Advent: Part 3 "Jesus is our King" (2 Samuel 7) Sebastian Ramos
- Advent: Part 2 "Jesus is our Priest" (Hebrew 4:16-18) Mike Bartlett
- Advent: Part 1 Jesus is our Prophet (Acts 3.17-26) Mike Bartlett
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 11" (Malachi) Sebastian Ramos (11-26-23)
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 10" (Zechariah) Mike Bartlett (11-19-23)
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 9" (Haggai) Josh Bachand (11-12-23)
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 8" (Joel) Mike Bartlett
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- The Minor Prophets--Part 2 (Amos) 9/17/2023 (Mike Bartlett)
- The Minor Prophets--Part 1 (Jonah) 9/10/2023 (Mike Bartlett)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 11 (I John 5:13-21) 9/3/2023 (Sebastian Ramos)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 10 (I John 5:6-12) 8/27/2023 (Brian Robinson)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 10 (I John 5:6-12) 8/27/2023 (Brian Robinson)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus 8/20/2023
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 8 (1 John 4:1-6) 8/13/2023 (Dave Geroux)
- Joyfull Assurance in Jesus (1 John 3:19-24)
- Gathering the Harvest: The Work of the Kingdom.
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 6 (I John 3:11-18) 7/23/23 (Andrew Kischner)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 5 (IJohn 2:28-3:10) 7/16/23 (Sebastian Ramos)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 4 (IJohn 2:18-27) 7/9/23 (Ken Wiest)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 3 (IJohn 2:7-17) 7/2/23 (Mike Bartlett)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 1 (6/18/23) Ken Wiest
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- Membership Sunday (4/23/23) Mike Bartlett
- Church Planting Sunday (4/16/23) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 35 (4/9/23) Easter Sunday (Mike Bartlett)
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- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 33 (4/2/23) Ken Wiest
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 32 (3/26/23) Mike Bartlett
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- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 21 (1/22/23) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 20 (1/15/23) Sebastian Ramos
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- Advent: The Mothers of Jesus--Part 3 (12/11/22) Ken Wiest
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- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 21 (11/13/22) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 20 (11/6/2022) Mike Bartlett
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- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 18 (10/23/22) Mike Bartlett
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- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 16 (10/9/22) Mark Bergin
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- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 14 (9/25/22) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 13
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 12 (9/11/22) Mike Bartlett
- Vocation Sunday
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- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 10 (8/21/22) Rod Vansolkema
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 9 (8/14/22) Mark Bergin
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 8
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 7 (7/31/22) Josh Foor
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 6 (7/24/22) Josh Foor
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 5 (7/17/22) Mark Bergin
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 4
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 3 (7/3/22) Josh Foor
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 2 (6/26/22) Mike Bartlett