Episode Synopsis "Gospel Culture Part 1 - "Welcome One Another" (Mike Bartlett) 01/21/24"
Listen "Gospel Culture Part 1 - "Welcome One Another" (Mike Bartlett) 01/21/24"
More episodes of the podcast Redemption City Church
- Titus 3:8-15 Part 7 (Mike Bartlett) 06/02/24
- Titus 3:1-8 (Mark Bergin) 05/26/24
- Titus 2:11-15 Part 5 (Mike Bartlett) 05/19/24
- Titus 2:1-10 Part 4 (Sebastian Ramos) 05/12/24
- Titus 1:10-16 Part 3 (Mike Bartlett) 05/05/24
- Titus 1:5-9 Part 2 (Mark Bergin) 04/28/24
- Titus 1:1-4 Part 1 (Mike Bartlett) 04/21/24
- Faith and Work Sunday - (Mike Bartlett) 04/14/24
- Church Membership Sunday - (Sebastian Ramos) 04/07/24
- Easter Sunday - March 31, 2024
- Good Friday Service - March 29, 2024
- Gospel Culture Part 8 - "Bear with one another in love" (Sebastian Ramos) 03/24/24
- City Ministries Sunday (Mike Bartlett) 03/17/24
- Gospel Culture Part 7 - "Do not judge one another" (Josh Bachand) 03/10/24
- Gospel Culture Part 6 - "Live in Harmony with one another" (Mark Bergin) 03/03/24
- Gospel Culture Part 5- "Show Honor" (Mike Bartlett) 02/25/24
- Church Planting Sunday (Ronnie Goble) 02/18/24
- Gospel Culture Part 4 - "Show Hospitality to One Another" (Mark Bergin) 02/11/24
- Gospel Culture Part 3 - "Confess Your Sins to One Another" (Mike Bartlett) James 5:16 01/28/24
- Gospel Culture Part 2 - "Forgive One Another" (Sebastian Ramos) 01/28/24
- Gospel Culture Part 1 - "Welcome One Another" (Mike Bartlett) 01/21/24
- Spiritual Formation Sunday (Mike Bartlett)
- New Years Eve (Ken Wiest)
- Eve of the Eve Service
- Advent: Part 3 "Jesus is our King" (2 Samuel 7) Sebastian Ramos
- Advent: Part 2 "Jesus is our Priest" (Hebrew 4:16-18) Mike Bartlett
- Advent: Part 1 Jesus is our Prophet (Acts 3.17-26) Mike Bartlett
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 11" (Malachi) Sebastian Ramos (11-26-23)
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 10" (Zechariah) Mike Bartlett (11-19-23)
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 9" (Haggai) Josh Bachand (11-12-23)
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 8" (Joel) Mike Bartlett
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 7" (Habakkuk) Mike Bartlett (10-29-23)
- "The Minor Prophets--Part 6" (Nahum) Mike Bartlett (10-22-23)
- Global Mission Sunday - Ken W- 10-15-23
- The Minor Prophets--Part 5 (Zephaniah) Mike Bartlett 10-8-23
- The Minor Prophets--Part 4 (Micah) 10/1/2023 (Sebastian Ramos)
- The Minor Prophets--Part 3 (Hosea) 9/24/2023 (Mike Bartlett)
- The Minor Prophets--Part 2 (Amos) 9/17/2023 (Mike Bartlett)
- The Minor Prophets--Part 1 (Jonah) 9/10/2023 (Mike Bartlett)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 11 (I John 5:13-21) 9/3/2023 (Sebastian Ramos)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 10 (I John 5:6-12) 8/27/2023 (Brian Robinson)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 10 (I John 5:6-12) 8/27/2023 (Brian Robinson)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus 8/20/2023
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 8 (1 John 4:1-6) 8/13/2023 (Dave Geroux)
- Joyfull Assurance in Jesus (1 John 3:19-24)
- Gathering the Harvest: The Work of the Kingdom.
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 6 (I John 3:11-18) 7/23/23 (Andrew Kischner)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 5 (IJohn 2:28-3:10) 7/16/23 (Sebastian Ramos)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 4 (IJohn 2:18-27) 7/9/23 (Ken Wiest)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 3 (IJohn 2:7-17) 7/2/23 (Mike Bartlett)
- Joyful Assurance in Jesus--Part 1 (6/18/23) Ken Wiest
- The Seven Deadly Sins--Part 7: Envy (6/11/23) Sebastian Ramos
- The Seven Deadly Sins--Part 6: Sloth (6/4/23) Mike Bartlett
- The Seven Deadly Sins--Part 4: Anger (5/21/23) Mike Bartlett
- The Seven Deadly Sins--Part 3: Lust (5/14/23) Ken Wiest
- Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony (4/30/23) Kris Brossett
- Membership Sunday (4/23/23) Mike Bartlett
- Church Planting Sunday (4/16/23) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 35 (4/9/23) Easter Sunday (Mike Bartlett)
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 34 (4/7/23) Good Friday (Sebastian Ramos)
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 33 (4/2/23) Ken Wiest
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 32 (3/26/23) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 31 (3/19/23) Dave Geroux
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 30 (3/12/23) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 27 (2/26/23) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 27 (2/19/23) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 26 (2/12/23) Dave Geroux
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 22 (1/29/23) Mark Bergin
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 21 (1/22/23) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 20 (1/15/23) Sebastian Ramos
- Redemption Communities Vision Sermon (Acts 2:42-47) 1/8/23 Mike Bartlett
- Fruit to Root (1/1/23) Mike Bartlett
- Christmas DAY (12/25/22) Mike Bartlett
- Christmas EVE (12/24/22) Mike Bartlett
- Advent: The Mothers of Jesus--Part 4 (12/18/22) Mike Bartlett
- Advent: The Mothers of Jesus--Part 3 (12/11/22) Ken Wiest
- Advent: The Mothers of Jesus--Part 2 Ruth (12/4/22) Mark Bergin
- Advent: The Mothers of Jesus--Part 1 Tamar (11/27/22) Mike Bartlett
- Global Ministries Sunday (11/20/22) Andrew Panaggio
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 21 (11/13/22) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 20 (11/6/2022) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 19 (10/30/22) Ken Wiest
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 18 (10/23/22) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 17 (10/16/22) Josh Foor
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 16 (10/9/22) Mark Bergin
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 14 (10/02/22) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 14 (9/25/22) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 13
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 12 (9/11/22) Mike Bartlett
- Vocation Sunday
- Finding Your Place in God's Story of Redemption (8/28/22) Mike Bartlett
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 10 (8/21/22) Rod Vansolkema
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 9 (8/14/22) Mark Bergin
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 8
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 7 (7/31/22) Josh Foor
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 6 (7/24/22) Josh Foor
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 5 (7/17/22) Mark Bergin
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 4
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 3 (7/3/22) Josh Foor
- Mark: Amazed by Jesus--Part 2 (6/26/22) Mike Bartlett