

Redeemed Catholic

25/02/2020 9:36PM

Episode Synopsis "Lent"

What is a “good” Lent verses a “bad” Lent? A good Lent takes focus and discipline, and it can easily be wasted. The goal is pure hearts so that we can joyfully celebrate the resurrection of our Lord at Easter, the greatest feast of the liturgical year. A bad Lent is when we do not have a plan, easily get distracted, forget penance, and when faced with our weakness allow cynicism or apathy or both to destroy our contrition and effort to try harder. We have been lost. Let us be found during the next 40 Days by making a good confession to start Lent and beg the Lord Jesus for a new and clean heart! Here are 9 practical ways to not only have a good Lent, but make it your BEST.

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