Episode Synopsis "Ep. 01// Moving Your Life Across the World...Twice! A Conversation with Jacinta Ukah-Ogbonna DNP, MSN"
Today, Aimée addresses some questions she received after episode 00 including her relationship with money growing up, her income while paying off debt, the gender pay gap, and the investment gap. Later on, we hear from Jacinta Ukah-Ogbonna, Aimée's mom, about her journey to the United States as a newlywed Nigerian immigrant, getting through nursing school while balancing a family and ultimately moving to Saudi Arabia to achieve a better quality of life. Amy's Current Reads: Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez Spinster by Kate Bolick John's Hopkins Aramco Health Care Careers Page *The JANNCYPT Foundation's Website is current under construction. I will provide a link as soon as we have one. Thank you in advance for your support and donations.