Episode Synopsis "The Fire Down Below"
In this episode Laura shares a story from a fellow ride share driver about a passenger behaving in some rather bazaar ways. Her and Cameron discuss what they might have done in the same situation. Show Notes: Hey there welcome back to Lyft with Laura I had a little break for the holidays Getting back to the swing of things here Today I have another story that I pulled doff of my rideshare forum I don’t know how uplifting it will be but it sure did give me a chuckle and I hope it will for you too In this episode we will be talking about some of the more bizarre behavior that you might see as a rideshare driver And Cameron and I will discuss some of the comments that were posted in the forum on this story and we will share our thoughts and talk about how we might have dealt with a similar situation Be back in just a minute to let you know more about….the fire down below Forum Comments: Comment: Something is wrong and that is a gross story to boot, ugh Meg Scott I would say. I had to be in the same vehicle as her. Comment: Meg, you are strong I woulda puked, then go buy gloves, then I would have sterilized every inch of my car she was near. I am so glad for you she didn't spit or puke in your car, besides Meg Scott it was gross and I used so many Clorox wipes and gloves to clean everything!!! Comment: Seems like a bit of dementia mixed with alcohol going on . I would’ve died though 😂 Meg Scott I was trying to not laugh at the situation obviously but I was dying inside! I still wonder if she got her lighter out 🤭 Comments: Hopefully she remembered where the lighter is Meg Scott OMG I didn’t even think of that!!!! More importantly, will it still work⁉️🤔 Comment: If the strip search at the nursing home is as thorough as what they do in jails/prisons, they *will* find that lighter! JS.😏 Meg Scott eewwwwww Comments: Priceless!! Comment: Living her best life --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/laura-graham8/support
Listen "The Fire Down Below"
More episodes of the podcast Lift with Laura
- Rona Thoughts
- Lift OFF with Laura
- Blind Conversations
- Get Back to What You Love
- Who Let the Dogs Out?
- Sh Sh Sh Sh Sherba! Team Awesome
- The Fire Down Below
- 14 Suitcases?!
- Laura’s first guest
- “He asked me to buy some what???”
- Hey baby, what's your sign?
- Dream, Dream, Dream
- Faith-Lift
- Wacky weed vs. CBD
- Foodies from Afar
- Walmart Wilma
- Drunk guy
- Barbie-The Encourager
- My first ride
- My first Podcast
- Lift with Laura (Trailer)