Episode Synopsis "My first ride"
Turned on my Lyft app and almost had a panic attack when it started counting down waiting for me to press the “accept” button. I finally accepted the ride and proceeded to take my very first rider to their destination. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/laura-graham8/support
Listen "My first ride"
More episodes of the podcast Lift with Laura
- Rona Thoughts
- Lift OFF with Laura
- Blind Conversations
- Get Back to What You Love
- Who Let the Dogs Out?
- Sh Sh Sh Sh Sherba! Team Awesome
- The Fire Down Below
- 14 Suitcases?!
- Laura’s first guest
- “He asked me to buy some what???”
- Hey baby, what's your sign?
- Dream, Dream, Dream
- Faith-Lift
- Wacky weed vs. CBD
- Foodies from Afar
- Walmart Wilma
- Drunk guy
- Barbie-The Encourager
- My first ride
- My first Podcast
- Lift with Laura (Trailer)