Episode Synopsis "The prohibition of eating Chodosh (Chodosh #1)"
Listen "The prohibition of eating Chodosh (Chodosh #1)"
More episodes of the podcast Kashrus Explained
- Bracha on oat challah (challah#17)
- Oat challah (Challah #16)
- Multi grain bread (challah#15)
- The whole wheat wheat shaila (challah #13)
- The amount of flour needed for Hafrashas Challah with a beracha (Challah #12)
- The minimum amount of flour that requires Hafrashas Challah (Challah #11)
- The unique status of Challah outside Eretz Yisroel (challah #10)
- Eat and then ask Questions (Challah #9)
- The dough exploded!!! (Challah #8)
- Hataras Nedarim over zoom (Hafrashas Challah #7)
- Hataras Nedarim (Challah #6)
- Whoops where's my challah!?!? (Challah #5)
- Women and Hafrashas Challah (challah #4)
- Giving challah to a Kohen today, Yichus questions, egg matzah production, tossing in the garbage instead of burning it (challah #3)
- Why we do what we do (Challah #2)
- Intro to Hilchos Hafrashas challah (Challah #1)
- Concluding ideas and Qs for further analysis (Chodosh #7)
- Navigating the Yoshon scene (Chodosh #6)
- Should you only eat "Yoshon"? (Chodosh #5)
- The Bal Shem Tov, Bach, and Rema (Chodosh #4)
- Chodosh only assur mdrabbonon outside of Eretz Yisroel (Chodosh #3)
- The heter of the Taz, and the Karbon Omer(Chodosh #2)
- The prohibition of eating Chodosh (Chodosh #1)
- Introduction to a new series: Kashrus Explained