Episode Synopsis "Reading 2 | Alice Miceli reads Elizabeth Bishop's Crusoe in England"
Artist Alice Miceli takes over our poetry reading sessions with the final part of Elizabeth Bishop's Crusoe in England, translated to Portuguese by Paulo Henriques Britto | A artista Alice Miceli assume nossa sessão de leitura de poesias com o momento final do pema Crusoe in England, de Elizabeth Bishop, traduzido por Paulo Henriques Britto. | Image: Alice Miceli in Cambodia during the production of her In Depth (landmines) series.
Listen "Reading 2 | Alice Miceli reads Elizabeth Bishop's Crusoe in England"
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- Reading 4 | Luis Pérez-Oramas reads Édouard Glissant
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- Episode 2 | Alice Miceli and Luiz Camillo Osório in conversation
- Reading 2 | Alice Miceli reads Elizabeth Bishop's Crusoe in England
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